adsa562 / MangoQuestReloaded

A repo made intentionally with not up-to-date source code but up-to-date wiki

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MangoQuestReloaded (Discontinued)

由於長期孤芳自賞,已經停止更新 請轉用其他任務插件,謝絕使用

使用條款 (terms of conditions)

-basically non-existent.This is an open source project, you can do whatever you want with it. Nevertheless, it is probably better to observe the rules set by the original author Cutiemango. (基本上不存在。這個是開源項目,你可以做任何東西。不過最好跟從原作者的使用條款)

Discord Server (discord伺服器)

Discord Server:

This link should be shared under limited conditions. Being in the group you automatically agree to observe these rules. This is enforced to ensure to keep the server member count in minimum conditions and only admit thoses with true intent of using the plugin. 這個鏈接衹能在有限條款内被分享。在群組裏面意味著你已經同意這些條款。 強制執行此操作是為了確保將服務器成員數量保持在最低條件下,並且只允許那些真正打算使用插件的成員。

Limited Conditions (有限條件): -Sharing this link on any social media or platforms is strictly prohibited, except in Direct Messages. 嚴禁在任何社交媒體或平台上分享此鏈接,私信除外。 -Only share the linl to your friends or friends of freinds.Sharing the link to strangers is strictly prohibited. 僅可以將鏈接分享給您的朋友或朋友的朋友。嚴禁將鏈接分享給陌生人。

插件資訊 Plugin Information

Code updated as of 8/4/2022



裏面包括 (因爲懶所以用google translate將英文翻譯到中文,請見諒)

  • 比原始插件多出 15 個以上的目標
  • 每個玩家語言 -1.18.1 和 1.18.2 支持
  • 進一步優化粒子效果和插件性能 -數據備份和加載設施 -還有更多功能太長而無法列出

創建這個 repo 的目的完全是基於 chizuru 的建議,這個插件的知識庫太分散了。 這個 repo 主要是給 wiki 引導新用戶通過插件,同時也介紹了 MangoQuestReloaded 與原插件對比的新特性。 源代碼也得到維護,雖然不定期。 不要相信這個repo中的源代碼,加入discord組來獲得源代碼和其他支持。


This is a forked plugin from the original author Cutiemango. Being a forked project, it inherits many feautres from the original mangoquest but at the same time with more features implemented

Journey starts here! check out

It contains:

-more than 15 objectives more than the original plugin -per player language -1.18.1 and 1.18.2 support -further optimization on particle effects and plugin performance -Data backup and load facilities -and many more features that are too long to be listed

The intent of creating this repo is solely based on the advice on chizuru, where the Knowledge base of this plugin too scattered. This repo is mainly for the wiki to guide new users through the plugin, and also introduce the new features of MangoQuestReloaded in contrast with the original plugin. The source code is also maintained, tho irregularly. Do not trust the source in this repo, join the discord group instead for the source code and other supports.


A repo made intentionally with not up-to-date source code but up-to-date wiki


Language:Java 100.0%