adriano2teixeira / Jungletic-Project

Jungletic Project Presentation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


*** OBS *** : This is a complete app that I have done by myself, I’m the only developer in my startup co-founders team and I built alone, I can't show the code yet , beacause i'm working on some changes, but if you want to hire me, and you would like to see this amazing codebase feel free to contact me!

OBS: The app is live on Play Store, you can download and see how smooth it is:

Jungletic is social media that aims to gather entrepreneurs and help them to connect and be more reproducible in their business, it is a digital secure and appropriate space for experience exchanges among entrepreneurs, where they can find potential customers, suppliers and business partners.



  • React Native/Expo
  • Recoil
  • Firebase
  • Sentry (For monitoring)
  • Firebase analytics (For Metrics)


  • Users can upload an image from the device to Firebase CloudStorage
  • Users Should be able to share content to other applications such as Facebook and Instagram.
  • Users are able to receive push notifications when determined events happens (such as getting a new follower or a new direct message)
  • Users can listen in real time to new messages in direct and discussions. chats.
  • Users are able to see the app content either in English or Portuguese

Challanges :

  • Create a lightweight way to switch languages in the app
  • Create a background layer for handling long running tasks , such as uploading files
  • Create a performant way of setting listeners in different screens without affecting performance
  • Create a nice experience for custom push notification actions (Such as Follow back on new follower notifications)
  • Create nice feel and reusable components that fits well in Android and IOS.


  • NodeJS
  • MySQL (Main database)
  • Firebase Admin (to generate auth tokens and send push notification through FCM)
  • Worker (Built on top of NodeJS)
  • RabbitMQ
  • Redis (For a cache a layer and as Adapter)
  • Meili Search


  • Users are able to sign up with email and password
  • Users are able to authenticate ( SignIn ) with email and password
  • Users are able to create and publish post
  • Users are able to like , comment, reply to comments and share posts.
  • Users are able to follow each other
  • Users are able to open a direct message chat with each other
  • Users are able to create discussion topics (Which create a discussion room for the topic)
  • Users are able to subscribe to a discussion topic , so they get notified whenever there is a new message on the discussion.
  • Users are able to update their profile data.
  • THE WORKER MICROSERVICE: is able to broadcast messages on direct and topic discussion rooms
  • THE WORKER MICROSERVICE: is able to broadcast notifications to users whenever determined events happen.


  • Create a fast Rest Api for the clients
  • Create the right relations between tables and self relations to accurate the features.
  • Create a solid architecture the Real time side of the product , such as real time notifications, and real time chats.


Jungletic Project Presentation