adrianmgg / tumblr_api

(wip) rust wrapper on the tumblr api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

active development of this project is mostly on hold

I will still respond to issues/PRs. If you are looking to use this but need a particular endpoint (etc.) implemented in order for this to work for your project, feel free to open an issue asking for it and I will work on that.


A rust implementation of the Tumblr API.

This is still very much in beta! see Major Planned/Unimplemented Features


Creating a simple post with the client

use tumblr_api::{npf, client::Client, auth::Credentials};
let client = Client::new(Credentials::new(
    "your consumer key",
    "your consumer secret",
        vec![npf::ContentBlockText::builder("hello world").build()],

Creating a more complex post

use tumblr_api::client::CreatePostState;
// load the image that we'll be attaching to the post.
let my_image = std::fs::read("path/to/my_image.jpg")?;
// (currently, you need to manually create the reqwest::Body to pass in. that'll probably
//  change in a future version.)
let my_image = reqwest::Body::from(my_image);
            npf::ContentBlockText::builder("hello world").build(),
            npf::ContentBlockText::builder("some bold text in a heading")
                .formatting(vec![npf::InlineFormat {
                    start: 5,
                    end: 9,
                    format: npf::InlineFormatType::Bold,
    .add_attachment(my_image, "image/jpeg", "my-image-identifier")
    // add tags to your post
    // (this is currently a string since that's what the underlying api takes.
    //  Being able to pass a Vec<String> instead is a planned feature but hasn't been
    //  implemented quite yet.)
    // add the post to your queue instead of immediately posting it

Modules & Feature Flags

This library is split into multiple modules - client, api, npf, and auth - and each has a feature flag of the same name that controls whether it's enabled. They'll all be enabled by default, but if you only need certain features (e.g. just npf parsing) you can enable just those instead.

Major Planned/Unimplemented Features

  • implement remaining api endpoints (currently it's just post creation plus a couple others)


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


(wip) rust wrapper on the tumblr api

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%