adrianfdez469 / insta-share

Cuban Engenieers Test. Web application to upload and download files.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Used tech-stack

  • Base Build: Nx (monorepo)
  • Frontend: NextJs + Apollo client (GraphQl)
  • Backend: NestJs + GraphQl + Mongoose + RabbitMQ
  • DB: MongoDB
  • Infrastructure Dependencies: Docker (docker compose)
  • Message broker: RabbitMQ
  • Versioning System: Git

How to run on dev enviroment

  • clone project git clone GITHUB_URL
  • enter project folder cd PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME
  • install dependencies npm i
  • run project npx nx run-many --parallel --target=serve --projects=insta-share,api,compressor
  • Navigate to http://localhost:4200/

Artefacts: apps - insta-share: nextjs web application - api: - express-api: Handles uploads and downloads (File System) (graphql is no used for know's security issues) - graphql-api: Handles, user creation, login, files metada management (db), files listing, and others. - compressor: Microservice that handles the compression of files on the disk.

App flow:

  • Anonymous user creates a user on app.
  • User login to app
  • User uploads a file through upload nestjs+express endpoint
  • Express upload endpoint publish a "UPLOADED_FILE" message to RabbitMQ
  • The files Controller listen to this "UPLOADED_FILE" RMQ msg and saves the file in database and after it makes a push notification to the frontend (graphql subscriptions) to update the user files list.
  • Simultaneously to this last step, the compressor microservice who is listening too to the "UPLOADED_FILE" msg, finds the file on disc, publish a "START_COMPRESSING" message, and start compress the file, after file is compressed, it publish a "FILE_COMPRESSED" msg.
  • This messages ("START_COMPRESSING" and "FILE_COMPRESSED") are listened by the files controller and on each message, it saves the status ("COMPRESSING"/"COMPRESSED") of the file on the DB, and after each update it makes a push notification to the frontend (graphql subscription).


  • No test of any kind (don't have the time to implement unit tests, integration or end-to-end tests with cypress)
  • Files are stored on server file system because AWS and GCP (the most popular that have buckets to save files (AWS-S3, GCP-Google Cloud Storage)) needs an international credit card even for a free plan.
  • Authentication and authorization are not implemented the best way. I should have a middleware that appends to the request the userId, for further process know the real user reaching an endpoint.
  • Maybe use Server Side Rendering or Static Regeneration to populate the files page (NextJs features).


Cuban Engenieers Test. Web application to upload and download files.


Language:TypeScript 99.1%Language:JavaScript 0.7%Language:CSS 0.2%