adrianabreu / SIMDE

Computer Architecture Simulator

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What is SIMDE?

SIMDE is a simulator for supporting teaching of ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism) Architectures.

This simulator is a visual representation of a Superecalar machine execution and the students are able to see how the instructions move through the multiple stages of the pipeline.

This make easier to learn concepts suchs as Tomasulo's algorithm and the purpose of structures such as the reorderbuffer.


SIMDE is powered by Typescript, React, Redux, Sass and Webpack.

How to use

Go to the project website and start learning


If you have any doubt you should check the official docs.


The project has been released under GPLv3 License.

@adrianabreu  ·  @icasrod


Computer Architecture Simulator

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 94.3%Language:CSS 3.3%Language:JavaScript 1.5%Language:Shell 0.8%Language:HTML 0.1%