adriaanbd / yelpi-api

A Rails API to a healthcare app wherein a caretaker can register patients they care about along with their health data inputs.

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Yelpi API

A Rails API to a healthcare app wherein a caretaker can register patients they care for, along with their health data inputs, i.e. medication, blood pressure, mental state, physical state, and medical condition, among others, and share the patient profile with an observer.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Built With

  • Rails 5
  • JSON views with JBuilder
  • Authentication with JWT
  • Authorization with Pundit
  • Database with PostgreSQL
  • Testing with RSpec

Live API

The API has been deployed on Heroku and can be accessed by using the following link, here.

Please note that, since it is on a free tier, requests could take a bit more time longerthan usual.

Getting started

Clone it

$ git clone

Install dependencies

$ bundle install

Setup the database

$ rails db:setup


$ rails db:migrate

Run the development server

$ rails s


Purpose Endpoint Method URL Params Data Params
Create User /v1/users POST email, given_name, last_name, password, password_confirmation
Login User /v1/sessions/ POST email, password
Show User /v1/users/:id GET id token
Delete User /v1/users/:id POST id token
Update User /v1/users/:id PATCH id token
Create Patient v1/patients POST given_name, last_name, birthdate, gender, relationship registrant_id, token
Update Patient v1/patients/:id PATCH id token
List Patients v1/patients/:id GET id registrant_id, token
Delete Patient v1/patients/:id DELETE id registrant_id, token
Create Vital v1/patients/:patient_id/vitals POST patient_id, weight, systolic, diastolic, temperature, mental condition, physical_health, locomotive registrant_id, token
Show Vital v1/patients/:patient_id/vitals/:id POST patient_id, weight, systolic, diastolic, temperature, mental condition, physical_health, locomotive registrant_id, token
List Vitals v1/patients/:patient_id/vitals GET patient_id registrant_id, token
Update Vital v1/patients/:patient_id/vitals/:id PATCH patient_id, id, vital[key]=value registrant_id, token
Delete Vital v1/patients/:patient_id/vitals/:id DELETE patient_id, id registrant_id, token
Create Medication v1/patients/:patient_id/medications POST patient_id, name, frequency, duration, dosage, time, date, forma registrant_id, token
Show Medication v1/patients/:patient_id/medications/:id GET patient_id, medication_id registrant_id, token
List Medications v1/patients/:patient_id/medications/ GET patient_id registrant_id, token
Update Medication v1/patients/:patient_id/medications/:id PATCH patient_id. medication_id, medication[key]=value registrant_id, token
Delete Medication v1/patients/:patient_id/medications/:id DELETE patient_id. medication_id registrant_id, token
Create Observer v1/patients/:patient>id/observations POST patient_id registrant_id, token
Delete Observer v1/patients/:patient_id/observations/:id DELETE patient_id, observation_id registrant_id, token
List Observed Patients v1/users/:user_id/observed_patients GET user_id token
Delete Observation v1/users/:user_id/observed_patients/:id DELETE user_id, observation_id token

Sample call

Using HTTPIE client

User creation

$ http POST :3000/v1/users user:='{"email":"", "given_name":"John", "last_name":"Doe", "password":"123456", "password_confirmation":"123456"}'

Sample response:

    "user": {
        "id": "5bba60fb-f617-4b02-b02b-c5890fdc8c24",
        "email": "",
        "encrypted_password": "$2a$11$pkquZ8GVTb0DrX4fdk27eOkTKkwz0j6gicnF/2BwAQwTkuhLcIJpy",
        "reset_password_token": null,
        "reset_password_sent_at": null,
        "remember_created_at": null,
        "given_name": "john",
        "last_name": "doe",
        "created_at": "2019-12-11T23:52:13.800Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-12-11T23:52:13.800Z",
        "profile_pic": null
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjViYmE2MGZiLWY2MTctNGIwMi1iMDJiLWM1ODkwZmRjOGMyNCIsImV4cCI6MTU3NjE5NDczM30.2C9XG28zRp-orJ_ua5R2WUGFnQmwXkmj9sCpemRFrr0"


There are no tests at the moment but it is something that'll eventually be added.


Adriaan Beiertz

Ryan Vergara


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.

Feel free to check the issues page here.


Suggest changes by making a pull request from your repository towards this one.

  1. Fork the project into your repository
  2. Clone your repository to have it locally
  3. Add this repository as remote: $ git remote add upstream
  4. Check that you've added it correctly: $ git remote -v
  5. Always sync your local repository with this one: $ git fetch upstream
  6. Merge the changes from upstream into your local master branch $ git merge upstream/dev
  7. Push the changes from previous step $ git push

The development branch is the default branch and has the latest version of the project in development. The master branch will only be used for production releases.


A Rails API to a healthcare app wherein a caretaker can register patients they care about along with their health data inputs.


Language:Ruby 99.7%Language:HTML 0.3%