adouble42's repositories
rotor is a usable now, highly portable, NTRU based extendable output public key application. in addition, it's a collection of functions usable as a toolkit to incorporate in other applications without difficulty. designed primarily on FreeBSD and OS X. some assembly may be required.
nemesis is an actively developed (hey, i'm still here, and i'll be more visibly so again soon, wrapping some other things up) freebsd, debian linux and Mac OS X (tested through 10.11) port based on TrueCrypt. right now it is largely truecrypt code, but per the license, it's not truecrypt.
PHP thin-client web interface to bitcoind, namecoind and other cryptocoins.
Python-Based Bitcoin Software
backported injection capable drivers for rt2x00 (ALFA AWUS036NEH included), to kernel 4.40 to use with xubuntu LTS
Sample implementation of a wallet using PHP and the BlockCypher APIs
wxWidgets 3.0.2 with fixes from ports