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adorsys-academic's repositories


In his thesis Marco Maisel evaluated the use of open-source-based NLU technologies as an alternative to commercial services. Open source solutions, which operate entirely on proprietary servers, promise to be a more thoughtful approach for handling private and confidential data. In the course of the thesis Marco Maisel implemented a chatbot based on RASA NLU and RASA Core which allows candidates to find matching job offers.



This repo contains the master thesis of Michael Wagner. In this thesis Michael looked into an Android-based chatbot for making room reservations. To enhance the user experience the chatbot is designed use custom-tailored UI-elements.



In her bachelor thesis Veronika Sedlackova investigated the extent to which users can regain more control over their identity data in the digital world. For this purpose, a concept was presented that replaces classic centralized authentication procedures with decentralized ones and digitizes physical proofs of identity such as an ID card. Based on this, it was examined whether this concept complies with data protection requirements. This work was illustrated by a prototype that simulates the exchange of a digital proof of identity.



In his thesis Tim Abraham designed and investigated a flexible, expandable and easily approachable infrastructure for knowledge transfer within an agile, tribe-based organisation. As part of this concept token-based micro-payments are used as incentives to allow compensations on a blockchain-based DRM. Thereby, providing educational material becomes a billable activity, supporting the business character of the organisation. Tim evaluated the concept by implementing a functional prototype.



In his thesis Stefan Haßferter evaluated a solution for backing up secrets by distributing partial backups to devices of trusted persons over peer-2-peer communication. This approach can be seen as a proposition to the urgent demand for a backup strategy which allows owners of crypto currencies to secure the access to their private keys without relying on a centralised storage provider. In the course of writing his thesis Stefan Haßferter implemented a functional prototype on iOS as a proof of concept.



In her thesis Inga Glotzbach investigated a workflow making in-car payments accessible based on conversational technology. Focusing on protecting access to sensitive private data in the payment process, she designed an authorization step named Picture Passcode. To evaluate her design, she created a prototype to simulate a task load similar to driving. Taking advantage of the cui-prototyping-tool, she tested assumptions in usability tests and evaluated ergonomics in context.



In her thesis Alina Megos evaluated the design and user experience of a voice-first Conversational Interface for an HR Alexa Skill where the user interaction is based on a multi-character bot-persona approach. Besides carefully designing the visual appearance of the avatars, she used methods like Personality Spectrum and the Big Five Factor Model to craft the personality traits of the characters. Taking advantage of the cui-prototyping-tool she tested assumptions and evaluated her concept in short iterations.



In her thesis Jana Tiimus evaluated new approaches for recruiting interns and young talents via a Conversational Interface. She designed a workflow which allows students to playfully explore their interests, instead of restricting them to the mental model associated with traditional job postings. For her design she considered the needs of those in search of an internship, as well as the requirements of the HR personnel. Taking advantage of the cui-prototyping-tool she tested assumptions and evaluated her concept in short iterations.



In her thesis Mona Kögel investigated a design system for forms that is engineered to a high UX- and accessibility-standard. By creating a catalog of separate widgets which can be combined into a complete form makes the development easy enough so even non-programmers can construct and maintain such forms. Also the form changes dynamically, depending on what information the user has already given, so he spends less time on answering questions that are not concerning to him. To support the research on this topic she created a prototype. With this was tested if someone with minimal technical knowledge can build a simple form with this kind of design system.
