adon988 / graphql-apollo-example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Apollo server example

In Apollo official demo are run a simple server example by apollo server, but not suitable for production.

In production env should run server by express, lambda, koa ., etc.

This example are using express (apollo-server-express) to running local server.


npm install

Start running Apollo server

nodemon server.js

Open browser - GraphQL IDE

After apollo local server is running, you can access Apollo GraphQL IDE on following link:



Query librarys data

query Libraries {
  libraries {
    books {
      author {

MongoDB as Data Source

Here are using the mongoose client, and can checkout this example in branch of mongodb-as-data-source.

About the data source can refer apollo-datasource-mongodb.

Before running in local, make sure you have mongodb excute and default connect as"mongodb://user:userpw@localhost:27017/apollo_example"

You can expore mongodb data with MongoDB Conpass.

You can create additional users for this example deployment:

use apollo_example
db.createUser({user:"user", pwd:"userpw", roles:[{role: "readWrite", db:"apollo_example"}]})

After create account and database, you can add one record to members collections:

* Paste one or more documents here
  "_id": {
    "$oid": "626e2ef3a39d88c7815c9fd4"
  "name": "Adam",
  "age": 18  



Language:JavaScript 100.0%