Search from Chicago Yelp listings to see a restaurants details, ratings, etc and their latest health inspection report!
Find out any dirt about your next meal, literally.
###Visit Live Site
####Run locally: Clone down the repo and create a .env file in the root directory with the following API keys from Yelp API and Chicago City API:
Place the .env in your .gitignore. Run dotenv bundle exec shotgun
and visit http://localhost:9393!
###Tech Yelp API cross references the Chicago City API to display health inspection information along with Yelp rating and sample review.
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- Materialize
- AJAX/JQuery
- yelp-ruby gem
- Heroku
- Yelp API - Oauth require for any call. Initiallty started off trying to build the API call from scratch since I was only making two fairly simple get request. Pivoted after spiking into creating oauth signatures and for the sake of time used the yelp-ruby gem instead.
- Chicago City API is very particular about your parameters when you query for matches.
- Deciding what parameters to use in the cross referencing search to cut down on no matches. First parameter was address, and then name + zipcode if address failed.
- Handling input errors with Yelp API (characters)
###Next Steps
- Refactor current code and clean up views
- Allow users to vote on listings if they are 'worth the risk'
- Pull more info from Yelp, for example display 3 recent reviews instead of 1 snippet
- Parse violation descriptions into more readable text
- Improve styling
- Look into nationwide database for health inspections
- Chrome Extension that makes Chicago City API calls and scrapes the Yelp listing you are own so you don't need to go to seperate app