adityaramesh / batch_norm_tests

Experiments involving batch normalization.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The goal of this repository is to answer the following questions via evaluation on SVHN:

  • Regarding performance optimization:
    • What's the penalty for forming the mini-batches on the fly? If there is a noticeable penalty, we should preshuffle the training instances.

    • A: I couldn't find any measurable difference between using JoinTable and directly transferring the images from the original array.

    • YUV vs LAB: is there a noticeable difference? If so, which is better?

    • What's the benefit of using GCN/LCN:

      • Independently?
      • Together?
      • Does avoiding LCN on the luma channel help?
      • Affect with/without whitening (find the best PP scheme without whitening first)?
      • I think it makes more sense to use GCN/LCN before whitening. This would also mean that we have to regenerate the data on vines (again).
    • Which value of epsilon to use for batch normalization? Is performance sensitive to the chosen value of epsilon?

    • If whitening helps alone, does it still help if we use batch normalization?

    • Does batch normalization hurt or help with dropout?

    • Does dropout with small probability for the convolutional layers (as Sergey does) help? If so, does SpatialDropout provide a benefit over regular dropout here? (first check if using BN + dropout only on the FC layer helps; if not then don't pursue dropout for conv layers)


  • Experiment 1: which color scheme is best?

    • RGB (no preprocessing)
    • RGB + image-wide GCN
    • YUV + image-wide GCN
    • LAB + image-wide GCN
  • Answer: GCN allowed the optimizer to make much more rapid progress. Surprisingly, RGB was the most effective color scheme by a considerable margin. At first, this seems somewhat counterintuitive, since LAB components are the least correlated, at least for natural images. I suspect that this doesn't hold for the house numbers. Since houses are designed by humans, the distribution of the colors used may be better described using RGB than YUV and LAB.

  • Experiment 2: how to do GCN?

    • best setting from experiment 1
    • best setting from experiment 1 using pixel-wide GCN
    • best setting from experiment 1 using image-wide GCN followed by pixel-wide GCN
  • Answer: not clear which scheme is better. Will proceed with only image-wide GCN for now. I would have expected image-wide and pixel-wide GCN to be better than using either one individually, but I didn't really see any difference.

  • Experiment 3: how to do LCN?

    • best setting from experiment 2
    • best setting with LCN
    • best setting with LCN (color channels only)
    • best setting with GCN + LCN
    • best setting with GCN + LCN (color channels only)
  • Answer: GCN + LCN on all channels is best here.

  • Experiment 4: how to do whitening?

    • best scheme from experiment 3 (no whitening)
    • whitening raw image with eps in [1e-1, 1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-7, 0]
    • whitening normalized image with eps in [1e-1, 1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-7, 0]
  • Choosing epsilon too small results in garbage, but choosing epsilon effectively does nothing. I couldn't visually see much effect until epsilon was brought up to 0.1 or so. But for SVHN, using a value of epsilon this large results in some of the images being garbage. There doesn't seem to be an obvious way to choose epsilon based on the distribution of eigenvalues -- the values corresponding to where the "tail" starts are all at least 100. I doubt using values of epsilon this large would reallly do anything. Questions to answer:

    • Try epsilon = 0.1, 1, 5, 10, and the predicted value from the method that cuts off the tail. Which works best? Does using a large value of epsilon have any effect even though we don't visually see any change?

Note: using the "cutoff" technique in which we set the scale for all eigenvalues that we believe are noise to 1 is not a good idea.

  • Whitening seems to produce noisy junk for SVHN.


Experiments involving batch normalization.


Language:Ruby 66.1%Language:Lua 33.9%