adityapatwardhan / Compliance-1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compliance task library

Contents of this repository are intended for internal Microsoft use.

This repository contains Azure DevOPS YAML template for the compliance tasks needed for release products. The step templates can be included in the repository using multi-checkout.

The following sample shows how the templates can be included in your release YAML.

  1. Create a repository resource and a service connection to connect to this repository.

      - repository: ComplianceRepo
        type: github
        endpoint: ComplianceGHRepo
        name: PowerShell/compliance
  2. In the compliance stage, checkout self repo and the compliance repo.

    - stage: compliance
      displayName: Compliance
      dependsOn: Build
      - job: Compliance_Job
          name: Package ES CodeHub Lab E
          - checkout: self
          - checkout: ComplianceRepo
  3. Pick one of the three composed templates,

    • assembly-module-compliance.yml - for running compliance for projects generating an assembly.
    • script-module-compliance.yml - for running compliance for projects generating a script module.
    • ci-compliance.yml - for running compliance as part of CI builds.
  4. Call the template from this repo in your yaml file and specify the values for the parameters.

    - template: assembly-module-compliance.yml@ComplianceRepo
            # binskim
            AnalyzeTarget: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/*.dll'
            AnalyzeSymPath: 'SRV*'
            # component-governance
            sourceScanPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
            # credscan
            suppressionsFile: ''
            # TermCheck
            optionsRulesDBPath: ''
            optionsFTPath: ''
            # tsa-upload
            codeBaseName: 'PSPager_202007'
            # selections
            APIScan: false # set to false when not using Windows APIs.

ESRP Template Overview

** Requires on-boarding, see the wiki in the internal PowerShell Maintainers teams channel **

Make sure to create the variable group named ESRP and make it available to the pipeline. Details can be found in the PowerShell Maintainers teams channel's Wiki tab.

  1. Call the template from this repo in your yaml file and specify the values for the parameters.
- template: EsrpSign.yml@ComplianceRepo
        # the folder which contains the binaries to sign
        buildOutputPath: $(signSrcPath)
        # the location to put the signed output
        signOutputPath: $(signOutPath)
        # the certificate ID to use
        certificateId: "CP-230012"
        # The file pattern to use
        # If not using minimatch: comma separated, with * supported
        # If using minimatch: newline separated, with !, **, and * supported.
        # See link in the useMinimatch comments.
        pattern: '*.dll,*.psd1,*.psm1,*.ps1xml,*.mof'
        # decides if the task should use minimatch for the pattern matching.
        useMinimatch: false

ESRP Authenticode minimatch example

This example signs dll and psm1 files recursively and psd1 files in the root of the buildOutputPath, using minimatch.

For full features see:

  - template: EsrpSign.yml@ComplianceRepo
        buildOutputPath: $(signSrcPath)
        signOutputPath: $(signOutPath)
        certificateId: "CP-230012"
        pattern: |
        useMinimatch: true

ESRP RPM example

This example signs dll psd1 and psm1 files recursively, using minimatch.

  - template: EsrpSign.yml@ComplianceRepo
        buildOutputPath: $(signSrcPath)
        signOutputPath: $(signOutPath)
        # this is the cert for RPM signing
        certificateId: "CP-450779-Pgp"
        # this is the pattern for RPM signing
        pattern: |
        useMinimatch: true

ESRP NuPkg example

This example signs dll psd1 and psm1 files recursively, using minimatch.

  - template: EsrpSign.yml@ComplianceRepo
        buildOutputPath: $(signSrcPath)
        signOutputPath: $(signOutPath)
        # this is the cert for NuPkg signing
        certificateId: "CP-401405"
        # this is the pattern for NuPkg signing
        pattern: |
        useMinimatch: true


License:MIT License