aditishraq / End-To-End-Spotify-ETL-Pipeline

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An ETL pipeline for Spotify data was developed. It begins with Python interacting with the Spotify API to get the data. The data is then moved to an AWS S3 bucket using Lambda functions. Another Lambda function transforms the data before putting it back in the S3 bucket.

Now, the next step is loading the data into Snowflake, a data warehouse. Snowpipe, a tool that helps move data into Snowflake quickly, will be used to streamline this process.

Overall, this project combines various technologies to create an efficient process for managing Spotify data. alt text

Tools & Technologies

Steps for the ETL Pipeline

  1. Go to and register for a developer account so that you can access the spotify api.
  2. Go to jupyter/collab notebook and install the spotify from pip module of python.
!pip install spotipy
import spotipy
import pandas as pd
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
  1. Next step is to provide the client id and client secret id of the spotify api so that api can be hit.
client_credentials_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id="",client_secret="")

from spotipy.client import Spotify
sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager = client_credentials_manager)

playlist_link = ""

playlist_uri = playlist_link.split("/")[-1]
data = sp.playlist_tracks(playlist_uri)
  1. Next step is we will get the details of Album, Artists and Songs
for row in data["items"] :
  album_id= row["track"]["album"]["id"]
  album_name = row["track"]["album"]["name"]
  album_release_date = row["track"]["album"]["release_date"]
  album_total_tracks = row["track"]["album"]["total_tracks"]
  album_url = row["track"]["album"]["external_urls"]["spotify"]
  album_element ={"album_id": album_id, "album_name":album_name,"release_date":album_release_date,"album_total_tracks":album_total_tracks,"album_url":album_url}

artist_list = []
for row in data["items"] :
  artist_id = row["track"]["album"]["artists"][0]["id"]
  artist_name = row["track"]["album"]["artists"][0]["name"]
  external_url = row["track"]["album"]["artists"][0]["href"]
  artist_elements = {"artist_id":artist_id,"artist_name" :artist_name ,"external_url":external_url}

for row in data["items"] :
  song_id = row["track"]["id"]
  song_name = row["track"]["name"]
  song_duration = row["track"]["duration_ms"]
  song_url = row["track"]["external_urls"]["spotify"]
  song_popularity = row["track"]["popularity"]
  song_added = row["added_at"]
  album_id= row["track"]["album"]["id"]
  artist_id = row["track"]["album"]["artists"][0]["id"]
  song_element = {"song_id":song_id,"song_name":song_name,"song_duration":song_duration,"song_url":song_url,"song_popularity":song_popularity,"song_added":song_added,"album_id":album_id,
  1. Next step is convert the data to pandas dataframe and do the data cleaning.
album_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(album_list)

artist_df =pd.DataFrame.from_dict(artist_list)

song_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(song_list)

# converting the release_date and song_added to date time format

album_df["release_date"] = pd.to_datetime(album_df["release_date"])

song_df["song_added"] =pd.to_datetime(song_df["song_added"])

AWS Component (Extract and Transformation)

Now we have extracted the data using spotify api now we want to host this on AWS.

  1. Login to your AWS Account
  2. Create the billing alarm so that you receive the billing alerts.
  3. Create the S3 bucket for the ETL Pipline.My bucket is as follows.

alt text

  1. Create two folders, one for raw data and another for transformed data.

  2. Create another subforders processed and to_processed in raw data. Processed includes the data after processing and to_processed will have the raw data that direcly comes from spotify api. alt text

  3. Create another three subfolders in transformed_data which will have the album, artists and songs data that is transformed. alt text

  4. Create the Lambda function to axtract the data using spotify api.Put the client id and client secret id in the environverment variable.This lambda function will extarct the raw data and store into raw data folder to_processed.Deploy and run the function. The code for api data extarct function is provided in seperate foder.

  5. Create a new role and attach to the lambda function.The role should have permissions for s3 full access.

  6. Now we have the raw data in s3 bucket and our next step is to do the transformation.

  7. Create another lambda function so that transformation can be performed. The code for another lambda function is attached in the repository.

  8. Now the data should be transformed and put to their respective folder ie Album,Song and Artist.

  9. Next step is to copy the file which we have transformed and then put that file to the folder processed because the raw file that has been processed so that we do not process the same data again.Then delete the file which is present in to_processed folder.

  10. Now we have the transformed data.

  11. Next step is to apply the triggers

  12. Attach the Amazon Cloudwatch daily trigger to the first lambda function which extract data from api so that it can run daily or as per the business needs.

  13. Next add the trigger to the lambda function which do the transformation. I have added All Object created event to the Lambda function so that if any object is created in the to_processed bucket then it triggers the lambda fucntion and data is transformed.

  14. Now the new files are getting aded to the transformed_data folder.

  15. Now our next step is to load this data to Snowflake.

Snowflake Component (Data Loading)

Till now we have extarcted and transformed the data. Out next step is to load that data to datawarehouse.

  1. Create 3 tables in Snowflake Database - album_data,artist_data,song_data
create Table album_data (album_id String, album_name string, release_date string,album_total_track integer,album_url string );

create table artist_data (artist_id string, artist_name string, artist_url string );

create table song_data (song_id string, song_name string, song_duration integer, song_url string,song_popularity integer,song_added date,album_id string,artist_id string );

ALTER TABLE album_data 
ADD PRIMARY KEY (album_id);

ALTER TABLE artist_data 
ADD PRIMARY KEY (artist_id);

ALTER TABLE song_data add primary key (song_id);
  1. Create a stage to connect the AWS account to Snowflake
CREATE STAGE album_stage
URL = "s3://spotify-etl-project-prikshit/transformed_data/album_data/"

CREATE STAGE artist_stage
URL = "s3://spotify-etl-project-prikshit/transformed_data/artist_data/"

CREATE STAGE songs_stage
URL = "s3://spotify-etl-project-prikshit/transformed_data/songs_data/"
  1. Now next step is to create the file format so that the data is correctly read.
  1. Test the copy command to load the data to the tables
FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME= 'csv_file_format');

COPY INTO artist_data (artist_ID, artist_NAME,artist_URL) 
FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME= 'csv_file_format');

FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME= 'csv_file_format');
  1. Now we have to create a Snowpipe so that when the new data is added to the transformed folder then the data is automatically loaded to the Snowflake. For that we ahve to create 3 seperate Snowpipes.
create or replace pipe album_pipe auto_ingest =TRUE as
COPY INTO from@album_stage/
FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME= 'csv_file_format');

create or replace pipe artist_pipe auto_ingest =TRUE 
COPY INTO artist_data from@artist_stage/
FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME= 'csv_file_format');

create or replace pipe song_pipe auto_ingest =TRUE 
COPY INTO song_data from@songs_stage/
FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME= 'csv_file_format');
  1. Now we have to create event notification. go to S3 bucket and go to events.

  2. Event type as All objects created so that snowpipe can be triggered.

  3. Click on SQS queue and enter the SQS queue ARN. Copy the Notification channel from snowpipe and paste it to SQS queue ARN while creating the event notification.

  4. Create this event notification for all 3 snowpipe.

  5. Test the pipeline.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 84.1%Language:Python 15.9%