adifaidz / laravel-base-archived

Laravel wrapper for commonly used package and crud generators for basic crud functionalities

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Laravel wrapper for commonly used package and crud generators for basic crud functionalities

Before you start, read this

  • This package

    • Is a Laravel (Currently 5.4) package

    • Is still under heavy development 📢 🚧

    • Uses mainly Laravel, Vue, Bootstrap and Laravel-Mix

    • Affects some settings on installation ⚠️

    • Uses these npm packages:

      • admin-lte : ^2.3.8
      • axios: ^0.15.2
      • babel-plugin-transform-runtime: ^6.23.0
      • babel-preset-stage-2: ^6.22.0
      • bootstrap-sass: ^3.3.7
      • eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker: ^4.17.43
      • font-awesome: ^4.7.0
      • jquery: ^3.1.0
      • laravel-mix: ^0.8.4
      • lodash: ^4.17.4
      • toastr: ^2.1.2
      • vue: ^2.0.1
      • vue-multiselect: 2.0.0-beta.13
      • vue-resource: ^1.0.3
      • vuetable-2: ^0.9.2


  • Ready to use base functionalities (user profile, login, acl, etc )

  • Create crud components (views, controller, routes) based on eloquent model

  • Debug using phpdebugbar and logviewer based on your environment

  • Clean project using clean

  • Easily create menus with laravel-menu


  • Install using composer

      composer require adifaidz/base
  • Register the service provider to your providers array in config/app.php

  • Run the install command using artisan, this will register guards, providers, password broker, route middlewares and middleware groups. It will also publish vue components, assets and bundling scripts and create route files.

      php artisan base:install
  • Add this to the boot method in app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php to register all package routes

      use AdiFaidz\Base\Base;
  • Change the auth users provider model in config/auth.php to

      'users' => [
          'driver' => 'eloquent',
          'model' => AdiFaidz\Base\BaseUser::class,
  • Then, replace the current ExceptionHandler in bootstrap/app.php with Base ExceptionHandler class.

  • After that, add this to the map method in app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php for generated package routes

      use AdiFaidz\Base\Base;
  • Then, configure your database connection and run migrate. Upon completion, tables for users, roles, permissions will be created

      php artisan migrate
  • Seed the tables

      php artisan db:seed --class="AdiFaidz\Base\Seeders\StartupSeeder"
  • And finally, run

      npm install && npm run watch
      npm install && npm run dev
  • Start up your server and go to


Todo 💻 ⌚

  • Create form and detail view based on model attributes

  • Fallback to mailtrap in development environment

  • Detailed documentation

  • Provide better flow


Laravel wrapper for commonly used package and crud generators for basic crud functionalities

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 63.3%Language:HTML 22.7%Language:Vue 12.5%Language:JavaScript 1.3%Language:CSS 0.2%