adevinta / vulcan-core-compose

Play with Vulcan without knowing the internals

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vulcan Core Compose

docker-compose to play with Vulcan Core without knowing the internals.


This docker-compose aims to reduce as much as possible specific knowledge required to run Vulcan in your computer in order to:

  • Check if fits your requirements as security scanner tool
  • Maker easier for developers code and test new features or security checks



How to use

Run vulcan-core:

git clone
cd vulcan-core-compose
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

This is how docker-compose ps should look like if everything went well:

# docker-compose ps

              Name                             Command                       State                    Ports
vulcan-core-compose_agent_1         ./                         Up
vulcan-core-compose_bootstrap_1     ./                         Exit 0
vulcan-core-compose_events_1        /goaws                           Up            >4100/tcp
vulcan-core-compose_insights_1      /aws-s3-proxy                    Up            >80/tcp
vulcan-core-compose_minio_1         /opt/bitnami/scripts/minio ...   Up (health: starting)>9000/tcp
vulcan-core-compose_persistence_1   sh -c apk add postgresql-c ...   Up (health: starting)>80/tcp
vulcan-core-compose_postgres_1 postgres    Up            >5432/tcp
vulcan-core-compose_results_1       sh -c apk add curl; ./     Up (health: starting)>80/tcp
vulcan-core-compose_stream_1        sh -c apk add postgresql-c ...   Up (health: starting)>80/tcp
vulcan-core-compose_tools_1         ./                         Up

Run vulcan-agent in your computer:

# You can get a compiled version of vulcan-agent
# from one of the containers build in the docker-compose.

# Linux:
docker cp vulcan-core-compose_agent_1:/agent/vulcan-agent-linux /tmp/vulcan-agent

# MacOS:
docker cp vulcan-core-compose_agent_1:/agent/vulcan-agent-darwin /tmp/vulcan-agent

# Export fake AWS credentials
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=fake
# Run vulcan-agent
/tmp/vulcan-agent config/vulcan-agent/config.toml

# Note: If you are running in Linux you might need to edit config/vulcan-agent/config.toml and remove the following line:
#     iname = "en0"

Done! You are ready to scan some resources!

Here are some scan examples:

# Scan a Docker image using trivy scanner
docker exec -it vulcan-core-compose_tools_1 \
  /tools/ "" "vulcan-trivy"

# Scan with some checks
docker exec -it vulcan-core-compose_tools_1 \
  /tools/ "" "vulcan-http-exposed-resources;vulcan-certinfo;vulcan-tls"

# Scan with all available checks
# This option may be suboptimal as some checks are not meant
# to run agains hostnames or domain names such as
docker exec -it vulcan-core-compose_tools_1 \
  /tools/ "" "all"

# Scan and a docker image with some checks
docker exec -it vulcan-core-compose_tools_1 \
  /tools/ ";" \

Extended instructions

Simplified (yes, a bit) view of Vulcan Core:

                                   +-----------+   REGISTRY   |
                                   |           +--------------+
             +--------------+      +
       +---->+    QUEUE     +--+   |           +--------------+
       |     +--------------+  |   +    +----->+   TARGET/S   |
       |                       |   |    |      +--------------+
       |                       |   |    |
       |                       |   |    |
+------+-------+            +--v---v----+--+
| PERSISTENCE  +<-----------+    AGENT     |
+------+-------+            +--+--------+--+
       |                       |        |
       v                       |        |
 +-----+------+                |        |      +--------------+
 | POSTGRESQL |                |        +----->+   RESULTS    |
 +-----+------+                |               +------+-------+
       ^                       |                      |
       |                       |                      v
+------+-------+               |               +------+-------+
|    STREAM    +<--------------+               |    BUCKET    |
+--------------+                               +--------------+

The diagram above shows how Vulcan Core plug all its components in a simplified way.
In the docker-compose there are some containers that can be easily linked to a box in the diagram by its name and there are some others that are just "helper containers" with some pre-work done so you don't need worry about how to compile the tool, etc.

However, this is the list of components, tools and configurations done to run the docker-compose as in the example seamless.

docker-compose ps --services
  • persistence
  • results
  • stream
  • agent
    Agent container does not expose any endpoint but contains the compiled version of vulcan-agent binaries for linux and mac.
  • postgres
  • minio
    We are using minio to emulate AWS S3 service.
  • events
    We are using goaws to emulate AWS SQS and SNS services.
  • insights
    We are using aws-s3-proxy to expose minio bucket content through HTTP.
  • bootstrap
    This container run some configurations required in vulcan-persistence in order to have everything up and ready so a vulcan-agent can connect run checks and report results seamless.
    These configurations are setup check job queues and provision a a list of checks.
    This list doesn't try to provide all available checks but a starting point and some examples you can see how to add/remove checks as you wish.
  • tools
    In this container we provide two Vulcan cli tools: vulcan-core-cli and security-overview and a shell script that applies some logic in order to chain the tools and generate what we call a Vulcan Report.

There are some more configurations to take into account in order to squeeze Vulcan to me max.
For example, there are some checks such as vulcan-nessus or vulcan-wpscan that requires some variables to be exported so vulcan-agent can provide this info to the checks an run accordingly.

Once you are familiarised with the environment we recommend you to review the configurations for every component.

Feel free to report issues or suggestions.


Play with Vulcan without knowing the internals

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 78.3%Language:Dockerfile 21.7%