To create a CLT which can take a text file as an input containing JSON data about friendships and produces the following 3 kinds of outputs:
- Given a user ID, return back all the friends of that user ID and output the result to friends.json
- Given two user IDs, return their mutual friends and output the result to mutuals.json
- Given two user IDs and the 4th argument as bacon, return the degree of friendship between the two users and output the result to bacon.json
Additionally, a REST endpoint is created which will return friends of a given User ID. Sample URL: http://localhost:3000/friends?id=F0%2FSs%2BJKEEA%3D
Note: The user ID needs to be URL encoded.
I used an undirected graph to depict all the friendships. I used a Map to store the list of friends corresponding to a user ID. The graph is created the first time the URL is accessed, making the subsequent calls faster.
For friend list function, I just need to retrieve the list of friends corresponding to the user ID in the Map.
For mutual friends, I used the retainAll function in Set to get the intersection of the two user IDs.
For bacon, I calculated the degree of friendship between two user IDs by using Breadth First Search, starting from the given user ID.
Technologies used:
Lombok for getters and setters
Maven for project dependencies
Jersey for developing RESTful webservice
Jetty provides a web server
How to run:
For jetty
mvn clean package exec:java
curl http://localhost:3000/friends?id=4vYVN%2BFxwNM%3D
For standalone command line
mvn -f pom.standalone.xml clean package
#To see usage
cd target; java -jar HouseParty-jar-with-dependencies.jar
cd ..
read -p "Press enter to continue"
#To see friend list
cd target; java -jar HouseParty-jar-with-dependencies.jar ../src/main/resources/friends.txt 4vYVN+FxwNM=
cd ..
cat target/friends.json
read -p "Press enter to continue"
#To see mutual friend list
cd target; java -jar HouseParty-jar-with-dependencies.jar ../src/main/resources/friends.txt 4vYVN+FxwNM= GKYV7NODVj4=
cd ..
cat target/mutuals.json
read -p "Press enter to continue"
#Bacon assignment
cd target; java -jar HouseParty-jar-with-dependencies.jar ../src/main/resources/friends.txt 4vYVN+FxwNM= GKYV7NODVj4= bacon
cd ..
cat target/bacon.json
read -p "Press enter to continue"