adeojoemmanuel / angular-neo4j

A registration and login boilerplate for a website with an angularJS front-end and a node/neo4j backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Angular - Neo4j

Sample single page web app application (AngularJS front end, node.js server and Neo4j database) with authentication functionality:

  1. Register a new user 2. Registration 3. Emailed activation code 4. Re-send activation code 5. Activation handling 6. Forgot Password - email link 7. Reset Password
  2. Login functionality 3. Username and password 4. Facebook 5. Google 6. Persistent login (remember me)
  3. Account pages 4. View / Update profile 5. Update Password 6. View login cookies (if logged in from multiple computers) 7. Remove login cookies 8. View linked social media accounts

Getting Started

You need to have your development environment set up for this code to run.


First you need a redis-server. Redis is used for session management. If you want ot swap out the redis server for a different session managemetn then change the server/index.html file.

To install redis follow the instructions on

Start the redis server (redis-server command)


The database used is Neo4j. This is the leading open source graph database. To install it follow the instructions at This code is tested against version 2.0 M04. For Mac users I find brew very useful "brew install neo4j". You will need to run a separate test environment. For this you will need to download the same version that you have installed and follow the instructions at If you have already installed a first instance then just follow along with the second instance instructions. For the second instance use port 7475.

Start your two neo4j instances


Now clone this repo to your workspace and install the dependencies

  1. 'cd angular-neo4j'
  2. npm install

There is an issue with the 'angular-ui-router' bower install at the time of writing (This may be fixed by the time you read this). You need to build the repository:

'cd src/bower_components/angular-ui-router' 'npm install' 'grunt' 'cd ../../../'


Finally set up the config file. You will need to copy the file server/config/config-sample.js file to server/config/config.js. Fill in all of the details as appropriate.

The final step is to run grunt build.

Start the server with grunt server

Email Templates

If you try to register it should work but you'll notice a very generic email response. If you want to customise the email templates then navigate to server/lib/emailTemplates


There are rough edges. Have a look at the existing bugs and if you can offer any assistance or advice that would also be appreciated.

If you come across and defects or have some changes please raise an issue along with as much detail as possible. Pull requests are always welcome.

Good luck


A registration and login boilerplate for a website with an angularJS front-end and a node/neo4j backend

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 80.5%Language:HTML 11.5%Language:ApacheConf 7.1%Language:CSS 0.7%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.0%