ademalidurmus / demet

Simple and useful LAMP & LEMP and more stack environments to use on Docker.

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  Lightweight LAMP & LEMP stacks to use on Docker.

Simple, lightweight and useful LAMP & LEMP stacks to use on Docker via Docker Compose. With PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, PhpMyAdmin, PGAdmin and Mongo-Express. You can generate your environment in whatever way you desire.

Service Container Name Default Ports Version Description
Apache Server demet-apache 80 / 443 2.4:alpine Apache Web Server
Nginx Server demet-nginx 80 / 443 stable:alpine Nginx Web Server
PHP demet-php 9000 7.4 - 8.0 - 8.1RC PHP-FPM Versions
MySQL demet-mysql 3306 8.0 MySQL 8.0
MariaDb demet-mysql 3306 10.6 MariaDb 10.6
PhpMyAdmin demet-phpmyadmin 8080 latest MySQL Web UI
PostgreSQL demet-pgsql 5432 12.0 PostgreSQL 12.0.
PGAdmin demet-pgadmin 8081 6 PostgreSQL Web UI (dpage/pgadmin4)
MongoDB demet-mongodb 27017 5 NoSQL database
Mongo-Express demet-mongoadmin 8082 latest MongoDB Web UI
Redis demet-redis 6379 6.2 Redis Database
RabbitMQ demet-rabbitmq 5672 / 15672 3-management-alpine RabbitMQ Message Queue

You can change the image versions of the containers via .env file.

Default docker-compose file includes PHP 8, Apache, MySQL and PhpMyAdmin containers.

Also, host names of all services are demet-<HOST>. For example, host name of demet-mysql container is mysql.


Clone this repo by using following command:

$ git clone && cd demet

Now, you must create .env file to specify port configuration for the containers you selected. In order to generate .env file, you can run following command simply:

$ make init

Great! .env and docker-compose.yml files have been generated. If you want to change default ports or configuration, you can edit .env file.

Then, configure and generate your docker-compose.yml file as you want.

NOTE: If you want to use default stack (PHP & Apache & MySQL) skip the following step.

$ make generate

Now, You're ready to build the containers you selected. In order to build the containers, you can use following command:

$ make build

If everything is okay, you can start to use Demet! Let's go to http://localhost .

If you want to enter to PHP container, you can use this command simply instead of docker exec command:

$ make webserver

That's all! Happy coding!


  • Your project files must be in ./public/ directory.

  • You can change php.ini settings by editting files in ./docker/php<VERSION>/conf/ directory.

  • You can find configuration files of Webserver which you used in ./docker/apache/ or ./docker/nginx/ directory.

  • You can find configuration files of other containers in ./docker/ directory as well.

  • Composer, XDebug and OPCache are included for PHP. You can use these directly.

  • If you want to enter to spesific container, you can use this command:

$ make run c=<container-name>
  • You can check the List of the containers for your setup:
$ make ps
  • You can use following commands simply in order to up or down docker-compose instead of docker-compose up|down:
# for UP your containers
$ make up

# for DOWN your containers
$ make down
  • If you need to restart all container, you can use this command:
$ make restart
  • You can access to container logs from ./logs/ directory.

  • You can use following command to clean & delete your docker-compose and .env files

$ make clean


If you have any advice, let me know please.

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • izniburak İzni Burak Demirtaş - creator, maintainer
  • ulaskilic - Contributor
  • Mustafa Palavar - Contributor


Simple and useful LAMP & LEMP and more stack environments to use on Docker.


Language:Dockerfile 54.3%Language:Shell 36.8%Language:Makefile 8.7%Language:PHP 0.2%