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Simple PSR/PHP7 framework with military grade tools

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Spiral, PSR7/PHP7 Framework

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Spiral Framework

The Spiral framework provides open and modular Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment, database tools, code re-usability, extremely friendly IoC, IDE integration, PSR-7, simple syntax and customizable scaffolding mechanisms.

Skeleton App | Guide | Twitter | Modules | CHANGELOG | Contributing | Forum


class HomeController extends Controller
     * IoC Container can automatically decide what database/cache/storage
     * instance to provide for every action parameter based on it's 
     * name or type.
     * @param Database   $database
     * @param Database   $logs     Can be physical or virtual database
     * @param HttpConfig $config   
     * @return string
    public function indexAction(Database $database, Database $logs, HttpConfig $config): string 
        $logs->table('log')->insertOne(['message' => 'Yo!']);
        return $this->views->render('welcome', [
            'users' => $database->table('users')->select()->where(['name' => 'John'])->fetchAll()

Bootloaders, Factory Methods:

class MyBootloader extends Bootloader
    const BINDINGS = [
        ParserInterface::class => DefaultParser::class,
        'someService'          => SomeService::class
    const SINGLETONS = [
        ReaderInterface::class => [self::class, 'makeReader'],
    protected function makeReader(ParserInterface $parser, Database $database): Reader
        return new Reader($parser, $database->table('some'));

Declarative/lazy singletons and services:

class SomeService implements SingletonInterface
    private $reader;
    public function __construct(ReaderInterface $reader)
        $this->reader = $reader;

    public function readValue(string $value): string
        return $this->reader->read($value);

JSON responses, method injections, IoC scopes, container shortcuts, IDE helpers:

public function indexAction(ServerRequestInterface $request, SomeService $service): array
    dump($this->someService === $service);
    return [
        'status' => 200,
        'uri'    => (string)$request->getUri()

Short Bindings

Spiral application(s) can be used as middleware/endpoint inside other PSR7 frameworks:

use Zend\Diactoros\Server;
use Zend\Expressive\Application;
use Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe;

$app = new Application();
$app->any('/spiral', SpiralApp::init(...)->http);

ORM with scaffolding/migrations for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server:

class Post extends RecordEntity
    use TimestampsTrait;

    //Database partitions, isolation and aliasing
    const DATABASE = 'blog';

    const SCHEMA = [
        'id'     => 'bigPrimary',
        'title'  => 'string(64)',
        'status' => 'enum(published,draft)',
        'body'   => 'text',
        //Simple relation definitions
        'comments' => [self::HAS_MANY => Comment::class],
        //Not very simple relation definitions
        'collaborators' => [
            self::MANY_TO_MANY  => User::class,
            self::PIVOT_TABLE   => 'post_collaborators_map',
            self::PIVOT_COLUMNS => [
                'time_assigned' => 'datetime',
                'type'          => 'string, nullable',
            User::INVERSE       => 'collaborated_posts'
        //Pre-compiled relations
        'author'   => [
            self::BELONGS_TO   => AuthorInterface::class,
            self::LATE_BINDING => true
        //Hybrid databases
        'metadata' => [
            Document::ONE => Mongo\Metadata::class
$posts = $postSource->find()->distinct()
    ->with('comments', ['where' => ['{@}.approved' => true]]) //Automatic joins
    ->with('author')->where('author_name', 'LIKE', $authorName) //Fluent
    ->load('') //Cascade eager-loading (joins or external query)
    ->paginate(10) //Quick pagination using active request

foreach ($posts as $post) {
    echo $post->author->getName();
$post = new Post();
$post->publish_at = 'tomorrow 8am';
$post->author = new User(['name' => 'Antony']);

$post->tags->link(new Tag(['name' => 'tag A']));
$post->tags->link($tags->findOne(['name' => 'tag B']));

$transaction = new Transaction();

//--or--: Active record (optional)

//--or--: request specific transaction

This example uses IoC scope to properly resolve ORM connection manager, "no magic" way - $postSource->create([]);

And much more: Skeleton App | Guide


$ composer install
$ vendor/bin/phpunit


Simple PSR/PHP7 framework with military grade tools

License:MIT License


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