amber is a command line tool to create Sass components and thier responsive files. it will create a new component and include it inside the _all.scc file also will create 4 Mixin and include them in thier files inside the ( Responsive ) folder.
Node.js (v8.5.0+) []
Git []
Sass [] or you can use anything to compile from sass to css
git clone
node amber/commands/create_structure.js
"cs": "node amber/commands/create_structure.js"
node amber/commands/create_component.js
"cc": "node amber/commands/create_component.js"
sass --watch sass/style.scss:css/style.min.css sass/style-rtl.scss:css/style-rtl.min.css --style compressed
sass --watch sass/style.scss:css/style.css sass/style-rtl.scss:css/style-rtl.css
"sass-min": "sass --watch sass/style.scss:css/style.min.css sass/style-rtl.scss:css/style-rtl.min.css --style compressed"
"sass": "sass --watch sass/style.scss:css/style.css sass/style-rtl.scss:css/style-rtl.css"