additive / bulk-optimization

Iterate over a directory and perform compression, resizing and formatting for optimal web capabilities.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bulk Optimization

Convert and optimize any file in a directory and their children's into web compatible formats, fast.

Suggestions and optimizations are highly appreciated! This is in the very beginning and should help companies produces web save content without the pain.



Use python3 --help to view the below

usage: [-h] [-v] [--license] [--slugify [BOOL]]
              [--skip-existing [BOOL]] [--gif [BOOL]] [--copy [BOOL]]
              [--image-formats LIST [LIST ...]]
              [--video-formats LIST [LIST ...]] [--thumbnail [BOOL]]
              [--vtt [BOOL]]
              [input] [output]

Iterate over a directory and perform compression, resizing and formatting
for optimal web capabilities.

positional arguments:
  input                 folder to iterate over (default: current dir)
  output                destination folder (default: `-copy` added to input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --license             show program's license
  --slugify [BOOL]      slugify filenames (default: True)
  --skip-existing [BOOL]
                        skip existing processed files (default: True)
  --gif [BOOL]          process GIF´s (default: False)
  --copy [BOOL]         copy not processable files (default: False)
  --image-formats LIST [LIST ...]
                        image types to convert to (increases the execution
  --video-formats LIST [LIST ...]
                        video types to convert to (increases the execution
  --thumbnail [BOOL]    create thumbnails from video files (default: False)
  --vtt [BOOL]          create video progress thumbnails (default: False)


python3 --skip-existing false --copy true --image-formats webp ./videos
python3 --skip-existing false --video-formats webm ./videos
python3 --thumbnail --vtt --video-formats mp4 webm ./videos
python3 --video-formats mp4 webm ./videos ./go/here

A = required [A] = optional [A ...]  = optional list

What happens?

Video files

Video files like mov or mp4 will be converted and optimized. Depending on what option is set, those files will be generated:

  • MP4: --video-formats mp4
  • WEBM: --video-formats webm
  • Thumb: --thumbnail
  • VTT: --vtt
    • JPG: a sprite containing thumbnails from the video based on a value
    • VTT: a file where each sprite frame is listed so video players can make use of them


All known images will be optimized. Depending on what option is set, those files will be generated:

  • PNG: --image-format: png
  • JPG: --image-format: jpg
  • webp: --image-format: webp

If you choose to optmize png and jpg, the script will look for PNG´s without a transparent background and convert them to JPG for better optimization.


Possibly reducing the file size of a GIF, doesn't need to be the case everytime. Use --gifs to enable this generator.

Other files

If you choose --copy the generator will copy all unknown file formats to the output dir, so that at the end you have two directories that are likely the same but optimized.


  1. Create a virtual env with virtualenv and install all requirements
  2. Run python3 /some/dir/to/test/with/many/files


  • Create single executable
  • Create UI? (for people that are not familiar with the terminal)
  • Add options (the hole process for this should be replaced)
    • Override option to not skip existing files
    • No thumbnail generation
    • No JPEG/PNG only Webp
    • No mp4 only Webm
    • Compression ratio
  • Set max height for VTT image and split it into multiple files



Iterate over a directory and perform compression, resizing and formatting for optimal web capabilities.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%