addingding / AS5600

AS560 Micropython library for reading this magnetic sensor

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Micropython library for AS5600

The AS5600 is an angle sensor, based on detecting the rotation of a magnet by the Hall effect. The resolution is 12 bits thus it can divide a complete rotation into 2^12 or 4096 parts. The device is configured and read by I2C. This library can read all registers on the AS5600 and can write to the writable registers. (This is a complete rewrite of the library which uses only common micropython features and avoids things like Descriptors used in previous version)

The device is cofigured and read through I2C but can also be used in a standalone mode in which the angle is converted either to a voltage between 0 and 3.3V or to a PWM output.


1. Relevant register names in brackets.
2. The registers can READ/WRITE (congiguration), READONLY(status and readout) or WRITE ONLY (BURN). 3. This is a brief overview and the datasheet will need to be consulted for forfurther information).

Configuration registers (READ/WRITE)

  1. Setting a minimum and maximum angle. (ZPOS,MPOS,MANG)
  2. Setting an output type, either an analog voltage or duty cycle on a PWM output. This is mainly for a standalone mode in which the device can be used without a microprocessor. (OUTS)
  3. Set PWM frequency. (PWMF)
  4. Set direction (either clockwise or anti-clockwise). (Pin)
  5. Set power mode to use less current and a watchdog setting.( PM, WD)
  6. Filtering output to reduce jitter, either fast or slow (SF,FTH)
  7. Setting some hysteresis in order to stabilise sensors outputs. (HYST)

Status registers (Read only):

  1. Magnet strength (MD,ML,MH)
  2. Automatic gain control (adusted automatically bring readings to useable levels) (AGC)

Reading sensor values (Read only)

Output can be analog, PWM or the register values ANGLE and RAWANGLE.

Burning configuration.

Configuration can be permanently burnt into the device to enable it to operate in a standalone fashion. This is down by writing to a burn register. (BURN). Maximum and minimal angles can only be burnt three times and the burn count is stored in ZMCO. (See datasheet!)


The library provides a class AS5600 in a file called ‘’ and is initialised by passing in an I2C object from machine library.

Class A5600

This class is instantiated with an I2C object from the micropython machine library. An optional device id can be supplied (default 0x36), say if you had multiple devices and were using a I2C bus multiplexer

General notes

Each register is assigned a method with the same name as the datasheet except that it is in lower case rather upper case.

If the method is called with no parameter it returns the value of the register

If the method is called with a parameter then the register is set to the value of the parameter and the passed parameter is returned.

If you try to write to a non-writeable register an error will be thrown


from as5600 import AS5600
z = AS5600(i2c)
#Read the ZPOS register:  
value = z.zpos(). #This will return the register value
#Write to the ZPOS register  
k = z.pos(value).  #This will return the value supplied, after writing it to the register

All register methods

Set Angles

def zpos(self,*args)
    Zero value, to set that the minimum readout  value
def mpos(self,*args)
    Maximum position in devices units or 360/4096.  Setting this clear the maximum angle

def mang(self,*args)
    Set the maximum position in degrees.  Setting this clears the mpos value

Configuration (Read / Write)

def pm(self,*args)
    """Power Mode.  There are 4 modes to reduce device current at the expense of increasing polling time
    00 = NOM, 
    01 = LPM1 
    10 = LPM2 
    11 = LPM3"""
def hyst(sel,*args)
    """Hysteresis.  Set 4 hysteresis modes to reduce output jitter
    00 = OFF,
    01 = 1 LSB, 
    10 = 2 LSBs, 
    11 = 3 LSBs"""
def z.outs(self,*args)
    """Output stage PWM or analog
    00 = analog (full range from 0% to 100% between GND and VDD,
    01 = analog (reduced range from 10% to 90% between GND and VDD, 
    10 = digital PWM"""

def pwmf(self,*args)

    """PWM frequency   
    00 = 115 Hz; 
    01 = 230 Hz; 
    10 = 460 Hz; 
    11 = 920 Hz"""

def sf(self,*args )
    """Slow filter to reduce jitter or noise.
     00 = 16x (1); 
     01 = 8x; 
     10 = 4x; 
     11 = 2x"""

def fth(self,*args)
    """Fast filter to reduce jitter or noise
    000 = slow filter only, 
    001 = 6 LSBs, 
    010 = 7 LSBs,
    011 = 9 LSBs,
    100 = 18 LSBs, 
    101 = 21 LSBs, 
    110 = 24 LSBs, 
    111 = 10 LSBs"""

def wd(self,*args)
   """ Watchdog.  Drop into LPM3 after about 1 minute of inactivity
    0 = OFF, 
    1 = ON   """      

Status (Read only )

def md(self)
    #Magnet detected

def ml(self)
    #Magnet too weak
def mh(self)   
    # Magnet too strong
def agc(self)
    #Automatic Gain control (0-255)

Actual angles read only

def rawangle(self)
    #Raw angle
def angle(self)
    #Angle - same as rawangle() but filters and hysteresis applied


The library was tested and developed on a Raspberry Pi Pico with Micropython 19.1.1.

Standard micropython is used and this should run on other boards and micropython versions.

I have had trouble using hardware I2C on the Pi Pico but SoftI2C was fine.

Not tested on Circuitypython but I would expect that some fixes and changes may be required.


AS560 Micropython library for reading this magnetic sensor


Language:Python 100.0%