addf400 / devcontainers


Repository from Github https://github.comaddf400/devcontainersRepository from Github https://github.comaddf400/devcontainers

Development Containers

Development container is a container in which a user can develop an application, read here.


  • Docker installed and has at least 4GB of free resources
  • Intellij IDE is installed, for example, Intellij IDEA
  • You have a project, that contains .devcontainer folder with devcontainer.json in the root
  • You have access to GitHub
  • Your Git version should be 2.25 or later

Dev Containers

  • Clone this repository to your local filesystem
  • Open .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file
  • click on the gutter
  • select "Create Dev Container (mount sources)"
  • after creating a dev container, select an IDE = IntelliJ IDEA and click "Continue" button This selected IDE will be downloaded as backend and the Client will be opned and connected to it. So, you are ready to work in it: run, debug etc.




Language:Java 90.3%Language:Dockerfile 9.7%