adamyg / dispatcher

Process forwarder (stdin/stdout/stderr)

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Powerful process forwarder (or proxy) for Windows. It can be considered as a open source, free and more powerfull alternative to chocolatey shimgen

How to use

Rename/duplicate dispatcher.exe to [something].exe. Write a [something].config file next to it to configure redirection.

Configuration file syntax is :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="PATH" value="[relative of full path to the exe you want to call]"/>


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Motivation - sample usage

I use a lot of command line tool in windows (interpreters, encoders, git & related tools) All of them need to be in my PATH (that I don’t like to change). Merging them all in the same folder is a no go (.dll conflicts / overrides)

Using dispatcher.exe allows me to register only ONE directory in my Windows PATH, with very simple .exe forwarding processes to their genuine installation path.

# Current setup tree
C:\Program Files\node\bin\node.exe
C:\Program Files x86\php\bin\php.exe

# I create  a single, well balanced directory

# I dispatch all binaries I want in it
C:\dispatchedbin\node.exe.config => D:\weird\directory\node-testing\node.exe

C:\dispatchedbin\php.exe.config => C:\Program Files x86\php\bin\php.exe

Advanced usage, few things to understand

  • There is a fundamental difference in console applications & desktop applications for windows
  • therefore dispatcher comes in 2 flavors - respectively dispatcher_cmd.exe & dispatcher_win.exe.
  • You cannot spawn x64 executables located in c:\windows\system32 from a win32 application.
  • therefore dispatcher.exe is available in 2 architectures : x32 & x64

Forced args

You can force additional args (injected before args that might have been sent toward [dispatched].exe

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="ARGV[XXX]" value="[optional argv 0 to XXX]"/>

Env vars

You can define custom env var in dispatcher.config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- Mandatory -->
    <add key="PATH" value="D:\apps\System32\bash.exe"/>
    <!-- All optionals -->
    <add key="ARGV0" value="-c"/>
    <add key="ARGV1" value="/usr/sbin/sshd -D"/>
    <add key="USE_SHOWWINDOW" value="true"/>
    <add key="CWD" value="c:\my\working\dir"/>

    <add key="ENV_FOO" value="bar"/>
    <add key="ENV_OTHERTHING" value="something"/>

%dwd% macro

  • %dwd% is replaced with the absolute path to the [dispatched].exe directory

Multiple flavor

Using the env var DISPATCHER_*NAME*_FLAVOR you can toggle multiple flavor of an exe with the same dispatcher


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    <add key="PATH" value="..\node-v12.22.9-win-x64\node.exe"/>
    <add key="PATH_8" value="..\node-v8.17.0-win-x64\node.exe"/>
    <add key="PATH_16" value="..\node-v16.19.0-win-x64\node.exe"/>

    <add key="ENV_NODE_PATH" value="%dwd%/node_modules"/>

set DISPATCHER_NODE_FLAVOR=8 # will toggle node 8
set DISPATCHER_NODE_FLAVOR=16 # will toggle node 16


When using dispatcher_win, you can use the DETACHED flag for the dispatcher NOT to wait for the child to exit.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="PATH" value="putty.exe"/>
    <add key="DETACHED" value="true"/>

spawn a command line app with no window (WSL bash.exe)

If you dispatch a console app (e.g. WSL bash.exe) from a desktop app (i.e. dispatch_win_x64.exe) you'll hide the window

# In my current configuration
D:\apps\wsl-init.exe (dispatch_win_x64.exe)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="PATH" value="C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe"/>
    <add key="ARGV0" value="-c"/>
    <add key="ARGV1" value="/usr/sbin/sshd -D"/>
    <add key="USE_SHOWWINDOW" value="true"/>

Pre-executation command

Using the PRESTART_CMD flag make dispatcher run a command before another (usefull for services).

Using dispatcher to run Windows service

Using the AS_SERVICE flag make dispatcher expose a Windows Service compliant interface. (therefore, you can use dispatcher to register any nodejs/php/whaterver script as a service. You'll have to manage the registration by yourself - see sc create,sc start, sc stop, ... APIs). Also, if needed, you can run a service in an interactive session (interact with desktop - use murrayju CreateProcessAsUser ).

When using "auto" as value for AS_SERVICE, dispatcher will use the service mode only if running as NT_AUTHORITY.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="PATH" value="node.exe"/>
    <add key="ARGV0" value="main.js"/>
    <add key="AS_SERVICE" value="true"/>

<!-- prevent execution during UWF servicing sessions ->
    <add key="UWF_SERVICING_DISABLED" value="true"/>

<!-- to run a service in interactive session -->
    <add key="AS_DESKTOP_USER" value="true"/>


Redirect output to a file (usefull for services)

Using the OUTPUT flag redirect stderr & stdout to a dedicated file. Date modifiers are available. You might want to use x64 bits version of the dispatcher to get the output redirection working.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="PATH" value="node.exe"/>
    <add key="ARGV0" value="main.js"/>
    <add key="OUTPUT" value="%temp%\logs-%Y%-%m%-%d% %H%-%i%-%s%.log"/>

Service restart policy

In service mode, dispatcher will restart your process every time it exit, with an exponential (pow 2) backoff delay.


Dispatcher can monitor network interface status change. Use the SERVICE_RESTART_ON_NETWORK_CHANGE flag to reset the backoff delay.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="PATH" value="node.exe"/>
    <add key="ARGV0" value="main.js"/>
    <add key="AS_SERVICE" value="true"/>

    <add key="SERVICE_RESTART_ON_NETWORK_CHANGE" value="true"/>

Configuration lookup path

dispatcher will lookup for configurations directives in

  • if existing [dispatched].config (xml file)
  • if existing [dispatched].exe.config (xml file)
  • all matching [dispatched_directory]/[dispatched].config.d/*.config (xml files)

Any directive defined multipled time will be overrided with the latest value

Using multiple versions of the same software

install php 5 in 
C:\Program Files x86\php5.0\bin\php.exe
install php 7 in
C:\Program Files x86\php7.0\bin\php.exe

Create to dispatcher (php5.exe & php7.exe)

Make a portable binary out of any shell/script

Using dispatcher.exe is a nifty way to create portable binaries out of shell scripts (.bat,.js,.php)

How does it works

dispatcher use kernel32 Process spawn to force stdin, stdout & stderr handler to the forwarded process. Therefore, supports PIPE, Console or FILE as process handle (& all others handler). The dispatcher & the underlying process are bound to kernel32 Job group (tied together, you cannot kill one without the other). Exit code is forwarded.

Tested & approved binaries (for reference)

  • cmd apps : git (msysgit-1.8.4), php, node, python, svn, xpdf (pdftotext & ..), openssl, rsync, bash, gzip, tar, sed, ls, tee & co (from msysgit), ffmpeg, gsprint, 7z, ...
  • desktop apps : nwjs, process explorer



Shoutbox, keywords, SEO love

background cmd, wsl bash, linux subsystem, process forward, kernel32, USE_SHOWWINDOW


Process forwarder (stdin/stdout/stderr)


Language:C# 94.1%Language:Shell 5.9%