adamjarret / argv-walk

Walk an argv array with a handler function using minimist conventions

Repository from Github https://github.comadamjarret/argv-walkRepository from Github https://github.comadamjarret/argv-walk


Package Version Git Repository Dependencies Install Size

Process command line arguments with complete control over how they are interpreted by defining a function to handle each parsed value.

  • Based on minimist
  • 100% unit test coverage
  • Zero dependencies (124 LOC)
  • Supports node 6+


npm install argv-walk


yarn add argv-walk


const walkArgv = require('argv-walk');

const args = { _: [] };

walkArgv(process.argv.slice(2), {
  onArg: (arg) => {
    if (arg.key) {
      args[arg.key] = arg.value;
    } else {

argv-walk is a lower level package than minimist so it has no concept of abstractions like aliases or types other than string and boolean.

This package is most useful when you would like to to provide your own implementations of such abstractions (or don't need them).



walkArgv(argv: string[], options: Options): void

Iterate over argv array and call options.onArg for each parsed argument.

Uses minimist parsing conventions with the following differences:

  • number-like values are NOT converted to numbers (they remain strings)
  • dot separated arguments (ex. are NOT treated differently than other arguments (when processing the preceding example, the argument key would be "")

Returns: void

Options Properties


boolean?: true | string | string[]

Optional: Key or array of keys to always treat as booleans, or true

If true, all double hyphenated arguments without equal signs are treated as boolean (e.g. affects --foo, not -f or --foo=bar).


onArg(arg: Arg): boolean | undefined | void

Called with each argument

Returns: If false is returned, the walk will stop (no further args will be processed)

Arg Properties


item: string

Current argv item


index: number

Current argv index


indexOffset: number

1 if value is based on the next argv item, otherwise 0


compoundIndex: number | undefined

Current compound index if argument is a compound argument (ex. -abc), otherwise undefined

Example: When processing -abc, a would have compoundIndex 0, b would have compoundIndex 1 and so on. The index value for all three keys would be the same (in this case 0).


isShort: boolean

true if argument used short syntax (ex. -k or -abc), otherwise false


isStrict: boolean

true if argument used strict syntax (ex. --key=value or -k=value), otherwise false


key: null | string

Parsed argument name

  • null for positional arguments
  • "--" for all arguments after -- is encountered


value: boolean | string

Parsed value for key



  • git
  • node 8+ (argv-walk supports node 6+, but 8+ is required to run all package scripts except test)
  • yarn


git clone
cd argv-walk

If you use VS Code, see .vscode/settings.sample.json for recommended project settings.

Run Tests

yarn test

Package Scripts

yarn fix

Runs all the scripts required to format and check the module.

yarn lint

Runs eslint (see eslint) on all javascript files not ignored in the .eslintignore file.

See .eslintrc.js for configuration.

yarn pretty

Runs prettier (see prettier) to check source code file format. Files with the extensions ts, js, json or md that are not ignored in the .eslintignore file are processed.

See .prettierrc.js for configuration.

yarn spell

Runs cspell (see cspell) to spell-check source code files.

See .vscode/cSpell.json for configuration.

Note: This configuration path is used so the settings can also be honored by the Code Spell Checker plugin for VS Code.

yarn ncu

Runs ncu (see npm-check-updates) to check for dependency updates.

Use the -u flag to update version numbers in package.json file.

Any additional arguments will be passed to the ncu command.

yarn test

Runs all unit tests with spooning.

yarn cover

Same as yarn test but also collects and outputs test coverage information.




Adam Jarret


Walk an argv array with a handler function using minimist conventions

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%