adamcegielka / sql-order-management

Example of a procurement management system

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Logo do MySQL SQL order management in a fictional company

This project is an example of an order management system that uses a SQL database.

Project structure

  • queries: This folder contains sample SQL queries for manipulating data in the database.
  • scripts: This folder contains SQL scripts for creating tables in the database. These scripts contain definitions of tables such as Customers, OrderItems, Orders and Products.
  • views: This folder contains SQL queries for creating views to help you view the data in the database.

Getting the project up and running

  1. Install a SQL database (e.g. MySQL).
  2. Run the SQL scripts in the "scripts" folder in the correct order to create the tables in the database.
  3. Use the SQL query files located in the "queries" folder to manipulate the data in the database.
  4. If you want to use views, execute SQL queries from the "views" folder to create the appropriate views.


  • SQL database (e.g. MySQL)
  • SQL client or database management tool (e.g. MySQL Workbench)

Learning materials


Author: Adam Cegiełka


Example of a procurement management system