adamaveray / SlimExtensions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Slim Extensions

A handful of custom extensions to Slim, not intended for general-purpose use but parts may be useful to others.


  • Sets up Whoops automatically
  • Supports adding converters to route groups (->convert($argName, callable $converter))
  • Adds convenient notFound() method to base App ($app->notFound($debugMessage))
  • Output standard API responses ($response->api($data, array $extra = null, $status = null))
  • Output CSVs easily ($response->withCSV(array $headers, array $data, $status = null))
  • Automatically formats JSON responses with \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT when debug enabled
  • Route dependency injection


  • Automatically references the constant IS_DEBUG if defined for enabling debug mode

Usage Notes

  • It is recommended to subclass the included Container class, overriding the registerDefaultServices() method to define common services, then adding them to the class-level docblock as @property-read type $serviceName for IDE autocompletion.

Dependency Injection

The arguments to a route function (e.g. ->get('/', function(...) {})) or middleware (e.g. ->add(function(...) {})) will be automatically injected from the following sources in order:

  1. $request and $response will receive the current Request and Response instances

  2. In middleware, $next will receive the next-callable

  3. In routes, $args will receive the default array of request arguments

  4. If an attribute on the Request object matches the argument name it will be used

  5. If an argument on the Route object matches the argument name it will be used

  6. If an item in the Container matches the argument name it will be used

If no dependency is matched, the argument default value will be used if available, otherwise an exception will be thrown.

Class Route/Middleware Handlers

If the route callable is a reference to a class method (e.g. ->get('/', [MyClass::class, 'someMethod'])) the class will be instantiated (constructor arguments will be dependency injected using the above rules). In the case of multiple reference to the class (e.g. in middleware and as a route handler) the first instance will be reused. If the method is static no instantiation will take place.

If the class implements the ControllerInterface interface (or subclasses the included Controller class), route handlers must be prefixed with endpoint and middleware handlers prefixed with middleware, which should then be omitted from the reference (e.g. ->get('/', [MyController::class, 'index']) for function endpointIndex() and ->add([MyController::class, 'global'] for function middlewareGlobal()).


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%