adam-katona / indirect_encoding_maml

This repository contains the code for the paper: Utilizing the Untapped Potential of Indirect Encoding for Neural Networks with Meta Learning

Repository from Github https://github.comadam-katona/indirect_encoding_mamlRepository from Github https://github.comadam-katona/indirect_encoding_maml


This repository contains the code for the paper: Utilizing the Untapped Potential of Indirect Encoding for Neural Networks with Meta Learning

It contains:

  1. Our pytorch implementation of MAML [1]
  2. Our implementation of hypernetworks [2] for fully connected networks.
  3. Experiments to compare indirect and direct ecoding when training with meta learning and greedy learning.

Here is a diagram of the indirect architecture used. The yellow boxes are learned parameters, the blue boxes are generated parameters and the gray boxes are functions:

Alt text


To download and prepare the omniglot dataset run:

python path/to/store/dataset

Then replace the path in es_maml/omniglot/ with your /path/to/store/dataset

dataset = np.load("/path/to/store/dataset/omniglot.npy")

Then set these variables in

RESULT_ROOT_PATH = "/path/to/store/resuts"
EXPERIMENT_NAME = "name_of_result_folder"
gpus = ["cuda:0","cuda:1"]
concurrent_processes_per_gpu = 2

Then run the main experiment:


This will queue up the runs with all the different configurations, making sure all the gpus are constantly busy.

Results will be saved in the specified RESULT_ROOT_PATH. The run will save various plots, arrays and models. (see for the details on what is saved)

Results can be analysed with the notebook: analyse_results.ipynb

Change log:

2021.07.04: fix bug effecting maml with more than 1 finetuning steps. This does not effect results in paper, since we only used a single fintuning step.


The code to download and preprocess the omniglot dataset was taken from


[1] Finn, Chelsea, Pieter Abbeel, and Sergey Levine. (2017). "Model-agnostic meta-learning for fast adaptation of deep networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03400

[2] Ha, David and Dai, Andrew and Le, Quoc V (2016). "Hypernetworks" arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.09106


This repository contains the code for the paper: Utilizing the Untapped Potential of Indirect Encoding for Neural Networks with Meta Learning

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 87.1%Language:Python 12.9%