adaltas / node-redac

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Redac is a content authoring library to source content into your website. The library handles Markdown, MDX, Yaml files by default.


Redac is only available as an ESM package for now. Please drop a feature request if you desire a CommonJS version.

Install the dependency into your package using your favorite package manager.

npm install redac



Import the redac package, source some data and start querying your dataset.

Short form:

// Import the redac package
import redac from 'redac'
// Initializethe engine
const articles = await redac
  // Source Markdown documents
  // Start querying
  .filter( document => document.lang === 'fr')

Long form:

// Import the redac package
import redac from 'redac'
// Initialize the engine
const engine = redac([
  // Source Markdown documents
    module: 'redac/plugins/mdx',
    config: './articles',
  // Source Yaml documents
    module: 'redac/plugins/yaml',
    config: './tags',
// Start querying
const articles = await engine
  .filter((document) => document.lang === 'fr')

Next.js integration with next-mdx-remote.

import 'server-only'
import redac from 'redac'
import mdx from 'redac/plugins/mdx'
import { MDXRemote } from 'next-mdx-remote/rsc'
import components from '@/mdx/components/index.js'
import rehype from '/src/mdx/rehype.js'
import remark from '/src/mdx/remark.js'
import recma from '/src/mdx/recma.js'

export default async function Page({ params }) {
  const page = await redac([
      module: mdx,
      config: './docs',
    .map(page => ({,
      lang: page.lang || 'en'
      (page) =>
        page.lang === params.lang &&
        JSON.stringify(page.slug) === JSON.stringify(params.slug)
  return (
    <div className="prose dark:prose-invert max-w-none">
          parseFrontmatter: true,
          mdxOptions: {
            remarkPlugins: remark,
            rehypePlugins: rehype,
            recmaPlugins: recma,
            format: 'mdx',


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%