ada-k / DLIntro_Tensorflow_Keras

Data camp intro to Keras and Tensorflow course revision, and CIfar10, cifar100, MNIST challenges.

Repository from Github https://github.comada-k/DLIntro_Tensorflow_KerasRepository from Github https://github.comada-k/DLIntro_Tensorflow_Keras

Introduction to Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras.

A data camp course revision.


datasetscontains datasets used in the notebooks.

kerascontains the following notebooks:

  • MNIST_model_performance.ipynb
  • dl_keras.ipynb - Introductory notebook
  • tensors_layers_autoencoders.ipynb - autoencoders + other stuff

tensorflowcontains the following notebook:

  • Untitled(4).ipynb -from intro to tensorflow to APIs like keras

licenceLicense template

readmeMarkdown file giving a brief description of the repo and its structure.


Data camp intro to Keras and Tensorflow course revision, and CIfar10, cifar100, MNIST challenges.

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.5%Language:Python 0.5%