This is the repository for Disagree with Me. Disagree with Me was an idea I had a few years ago to create a service that you could seek out counter opinions on a particular subject or viewpoint. The general idea was to help you become a better thinker by considering alternative viewpoints to your own by leveraging the internet.
Given how toxic the internet can be at times, I tried to implement it in a way that could instill better behavior. One new concept I tried for this was "thanking", where the original author could thank someone else, which would place their response more prominently in the app.
Ultimately, this application never reallly went anywhere. It got good initial press and people were excited about it, but I came to the conclusion that people like the concept of others seeking out alternative viewpoints but don't really like it so much themselves.
When ChatGPT and LLMs came out, they actual offered a better version of this since you could always get an alternative opinion on a viewpoint from the AI, 24/7 and it is usually thoughtful and well presented.
Therefore, I decided to make this open source since there could be some interesting things someone, somewhere picks up. But do note, if you are reading this, this was created a number of years ago, so many of the libraries, services, and concepts could be very out of date.
Oh, and if you would like to use a better and more modern version of Disagree with Me, check out the Disagree with Me bot I put together on Poe.