acm-uiuc / core-pt2

The new ACM auth and user management service

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Yggdrasil: The ACM World Tree

API Design


POST /auth/login

This route is used to obtain a new JWT token given some login information. This token can then be used to validate requests sent to the server in the future.

Parameter Type Description
email String The user's email.
password String The user's password.
Return Type Description
email String The logged in user's email.
token JWT Token A JWT token for the authenticated user.

This request can fail either if the specified user does not exist, the password is incorrect, or if the user has not yet verified their account.

POST /auth/register

This route is used to register a new user. When this request succeeds, an email will be sent to the user including a link to verify their account.

Parameter Type Description
email String The user's email.
name String The user's name
password String The user's password.
Return Type Description
email String The logged in user's email.
name String The logged in user's name.

This request can fail in the event that a user with the given email already exists, a user attempts to signup with a non email, or if the provided email is otherwise unreachable.

POST /auth/verify

This route is used to verify a new user. It should be accessible only by a link sent to a registering user's email.

Parameter Type Description
token JWT Token The unique token sent to the user.
Return Type Description
email String The verified user's email.
token JWT Token A JWT Token for the verified user.

This request can fail in the event that an invalid token is provided, or that a user is already verified.

POST /auth/forgot

This route is used to send a password reset email to a user with the given email.

Parameter Type Description
email String The email of the user who forgot their password.
Return Type Description
email String The email parrotted back to the user

This request can not fail on the server side to request giving potential bad actors information on what accounts are valid.

POST /auth/reset

This route is used to reset a user's password. It is only accessible through a unique link sent when a user requests a password reset with forgot.

Parameter Type Description
token JWT Token The unique token sent to the user.
password String The new password for the user
Return Type Description
email String The user's email.
token JWT Token A JWT token for the user who just reset their password

This request can fail in the event that an invalid token is provided.


This route holds all user related queries.


All admin powers exist here. This includes


The new ACM auth and user management service


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