acierto / protractor-base-dsl

Contains basic DSL classes to make protractor scenarios more succinct

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Protractor Base DSL

This library helps with providing the base DSL classes to lessen the burden of creating protractor scenarios. DSL prevents the most known issues occurred in Protractor and handles it in a cross-browser way. It can handle latest Chrome, Firefox and Internet 11 browsers.

Complete API Documentation

Check here Base DSL API

Global variables

name default value description
defaultExpectationTimeout 10000 Timeout to wait (in ms) a condition
defaultBrowserWidth 1024 Default width of browser to set before running Protractor tests
defaultBrowserHeight 768 Default height of browser to set before running Protractor tests

Overview of several DSL functions


One of the most significant problems existing in Protractor is flakiness when certain action considered to be executed but in reality it is just skipped by certain reasons. For example you click on a button and expect some action and 1 out of 10/20 times test fails due to this. To overcome such issue you can use ActionUtil.repeatAction. Example of usage:

import {Action, ActionUtil, WaitCondition} from 'protractor-base-dsl';
const action = () =>'button');
const condition = () => WaitCondition.present('.modal-dialog');
ActionUtil.repeatAction(action, condition);

At this case action method will be 3 times and calls each time expected condition. It is essential to use at this case WaitCondition, not Expectation or Condition DSL.


At some situations it happens that click just not propagated by protractor to an element. Without some logical reason. When you stuck with such a case, I suggest to use the approach with Action.jsClick. It uses execution of pure javascript in the browser to click on the element.



If you don't use this method but rather default typing of Protractor. You'll be very disappointed, especially if you test Internet Explorer or Firefox. The problem of in missed letters. It can also happening on Chrome, much less often. When you start using debounce the problem will be also obvious. Usage of this DSL is pretty simple

Action.typeText('input', 'text to type')
Action.typeText('input', 'text to type', 300) // if you wish to type slower, by default it is 100 ms.

Working with iFrame?

Consider to use next DSL to make elements searchable inside of iFrame.


After executing this DSL, the scope visibility becomes only this iframe with elements inside it. If you won't do it, protractor just won't see any of it. Same applies for elements outside of iframe. Now they are not accessible either. To come back to a scope of the main application, use this DSL method:


How to configure the project to use this package

Most of the functionality works without any extra configuration. What you have to do is only use this package as dependency.


import {Expectation, XPath} from 'protractor-base-dsl';

const buttonSelector = (buttonLabel) => XPath.withLinkContains('.dsfaApp .nav', buttonLabel);
const adminButtonVisible = () => Expectation.displayed(buttonSelector('Admin'));

Usage of ReactAction DSL

This package can be used by React project and therefore for that some of functionality is implemented based on the react packages. For that React specific actions are collected in ReactAction DSL. Using action emulation with a help of jQuery or embedded Protractor methods won't work. For that is required to use ReactTestUtils. What do you need to do in your project for that? In your webpack configuration you have to expose that variable, by adding a loader

        test: require.resolve('react-dom/test-utils'),
        use: [{
            loader: 'expose-loader',
            options: 'ReactTestUtils'

Usage of doubleClick and hover from Action DSL

As a standard protractor library doesn't provide with such functionality there is bean npm package was used to achieve it. To make it work, in your project you have to add in webpack configuration extra loader which expose bean:

    test: require.resolve('bean'),
    use: [{
        loader: 'expose-loader',
        options: 'bean'

Usage of JQueryAction DSL

If in some case it will be required for you to execute jQuery actions, you can use it as well. To make it work, in your project you have to add in webpack configuration extra loader which expose several definitions of jQuery global object:

    test: require.resolve('jquery'),
    use: [{
        loader: 'expose-loader',
        options: 'jQuery'
    }, {
        loader: 'expose-loader',
        options: 'jquery'
    }, {
        loader: 'expose-loader',
        options: '$'

Usage of XPath DSL

This kind of DSL is useful for example when you have multiple element result on specific CSS selector. And only the different in text inside of element. For example: <button>Save</button> and <button>Close</button>. If code is yours and you are ok to add extra css class name, then you won't need this DSL. For the rest, it will look like then:

import {XPath} from 'protractor-base-dsl';
const controlPanel = `#pane-with-reports .report .btn-panel`;
const hideFiltersButton = XPath.withButtonContains(controlPanel, 'Hide filters');
const showFiltersButton = XPath.withButtonContains(controlPanel, 'Show filters');

For maintainers

The build/release process is using Gulp. It helps pretty well with creating flows, which easy to develop and maintain.

You have to install Gulp 4 globally as npm package:

yarn add global gulp or npm i -g gulp

Verification that you have proper version: gulp -v should resulted into

CLI version: 2.2.0
Local version: 4.0.2

There are next gulp tasks can be executed:

Gulp task name Description
build-dist Executes next gulp tasks: clean, lint, webpack-build
clean Cleans a dist directory.
doc Generates API documentation for all provided DSL by parsing js docs
gh-pages Executes next gulp tasks: doc, publish
lint Verifies app folder that scripts follow .eslintrc rules.
publish Publishes dist folder to gh-pages branch. What makes API documentation available here protractor-base-dsl
webpack-build Generates a bundle with help of Webpack into dist folder.
watch-lint Runs the lint watcher for all js changes in app folder
complete-release Rebuilds the bundle, regenerates documentation and publishes it to gh-pages. Bumps up the version in package.json and uploads the new version to NPM. Note: For this task you have to be logged in NPM

To build a new version:

gulp build-dist

To release a new version:

gulp complete-release


Contains basic DSL classes to make protractor scenarios more succinct


Language:JavaScript 100.0%