acidiney / ng2-izitoast

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin implemented for angular 2 of iziToast



npm install ng2-izitoast --save


in angular-cli.json add the script and css lines

"styles": [
"scripts": [


in app.module.ts add

import { Ng2IziToastModule } from 'ng2-izitoast';//<-- this line

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    Ng2IziToastModule//<-- this line
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

now in app.component.ts add

constructor(public iziToast: Ng2IzitoastService) {}

...{title: "Welcome"});

All options applicable to ng2-izitoast

Argument Default Value Description
class '' The class that will be applied to the toast. It may be used as a reference.
title '' Title of the toast.
titleColor '' Title color.
titleSize '' Title fontSize.
titleLineHeight '' Title lineHeight.
message '' Message of the toast.
messageColor '' Message color.
messageSize '' Message fontSize.
messageLineHeight '' Message lineHeight.
backgroundColor '' Background color of the Toast.
theme light It can be light or dark or set another class. Create and use like this ".iziToast-theme-name"
color '' It can be #hexadecimal, pre-defined themes like blue, red, green and yellow or set another class. Create and use like this ".iziToast-color-name".
icon '' Icon class (font-icon of your choice, Icomoon, Fontawesome etc.).
iconText '' Icon text (font-icon using text, Material Ithemecons, etc.).
iconColor '' Icon color.
image '' Cover image.
imageWidth 50 Width of cover image
maxWidth null set maxWidth of toast
zindex 99999 The z-index CSS attribute of the toast.
layout 1 It can be 1 or 2, or use another layout, creating the class like this: ".iziToast-layout3"
balloon false Applies a balloon like toast.
close true Show "x" close button.
closeOnEscape false Allows to close toast using the Esc key.
rtl false RTL option.
position 'bottomRight' Where it will be shown. It can be bottomRight, bottomLeft, topRight, topLeft, topCenter, bottomCenter or center.
target '' Fixed place where you want to show the toasts.
targetFirst true Add toast to first position
toastOnce false Waits for another toast to be closed on 'onClosed' function. You'll need an ID to use it.
timeout 5000 Amount in milliseconds to close the toast or false to disable.
drag true Drag Feature. Is used to close the toast.
pauseOnHover true Pause the toast timeout while the cursor is on it.
resetOnHover false Reset the toast timeout while the cursor is on it.
progressbar true Enable timeout progress bar.
progressbarColor '' Progress bar color.
progressBarEasing linear Animation Easing of progress bar.
overlay false Enables display the Overlay layer on the page.
overlayClose false Allows to close toast clicking on the Overlay.
overlayColor rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) Overlay background color.
animateInside true Enable animations of elements in the toast.
transitionIn 'fadeInUp' Default toast open animation. It can be: bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceInDown, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInUp, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight or flipInX.
transitionOut 'fadeOut' Default toast close animation. It can be: fadeOut, fadeOutUp, fadeOutDown, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, flipOutX
transitionInMobile 'fadeInUp' Default toast opening mobile transition.
transitionOutMobile 'fadeOutDown' Default toast closing mobile transition.
onOpening function() {} Callback function triggered when opening the toast.
onOpened function() {} Callback function triggered when onOpened the toast.
onClosing function() {} Callback function triggered when closing the toast.
onClosed function() {} Callback function triggered when closed the toast.



constructor(public iziToast: Ng2IzitoastService) {}

  title: "Welcome",
  progressBarColor: "red",
  onOpened: () => {


constructor(public iziToast: Ng2IzitoastService) {}

  title: "Welcome",
  class: "foo",
  progressBarColor: "red",
  onOpened: () => {



constructor(public iziToast: Ng2IzitoastService) {}

  title: "Welcome",
  class: "foo",
  progressBarColor: "red",
  onClosed: () => {



License:MIT License