achuthhadnoor / groupon

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Wikipedia search and analysis tool

App UI


To install the dependencies please follow the below steps

  • ensure you have node installed

    node -v

Environmental variables

.env.local has the url for wikipedia api that can be used to query the data

Tools and technologies used

  1. Typescript

  2. NextJs : Framework

  3. Graphql: Query language

  4. Apollo Graphql: Apollo Graphql for graphql client and server support

  5. Tailwind css: Tailwind css for styling and building minimal UI

Why this stack?

We use @apollo/server and @apollo/client in Nextjs with app-rounter because

apollo graphql helps us use the graphql both on server and client effectively.

Nextjs comes with support like :

  1. Built in Built-in Optimizations
  2. Automatic Image,
  3. Font, and Script Optimizations for improved UX and Core Web Vitals.
  4. Data Fetching
  5. Server Actions
  6. Advanced Routing & Nested Layouts,
  7. Client and Server Rendering etc.


  1. ApolloProvider: For creating an @apollo/client and then a context to use useQuery hook to fetch data

  2. HistoryProvider: used to save the search history of the user.


useDebounce : For implementatino of debounce in the search box

searchWikiapi: For handling the wikipedia api with client creation from @apollo/client.


  1. Created a graphql server at api/graphql

  2. user will enter the search query

  3. The results are fetched from @apollo/server using relevance-based sorting

  4. A loader is shown as user can understand that data is being fetched as visual feedback.

  5. The search history is logged and shown as pills below the search input.

  6. Pagination support in the api to help improve the performance of the app.

To run server and client locally

npm run dev

You will be able to access the app at http://localhost:3000 and graphql at http://loaclhost:3000/api/graphql


npm run build


npm run test



Language:TypeScript 97.2%Language:JavaScript 2.4%Language:CSS 0.4%