achow101 / rust-vanitygen

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Rust Bitcoin Vanity Address Generator

This Bitcoin vanity address generator is a simple, not particular optimized or efficient program to produce vanity addresses. The main program is single threaded and simply generates random private keys and computes addresses for those keys until a particular prefix is met. To make better use of computing resources, a python script is provided which will run multiple instances of the vanity address generator.

Supported Address Types

  • P2TR (bech32m)


rust-vanitygen prefix [merkle]

prefix - The address prefix to search for
merkle - (optional) The merkle root of the Taproot tree
usage: [-h] [--processes PROCESSES] [--merkle MERKLE] prefix

positional arguments:
  prefix                Prefix to search for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --processes PROCESSES, -j PROCESSES
                        Number of processes
  --merkle MERKLE       Merkle root


This project is available under the MIT License, Copyright Andrew Chow


License:MIT License


Language:Rust 72.3%Language:Python 27.7%