achou11 / pull-flat-list

FlatList React Native component capable of scrolling through pull-streams

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


npm install --save pull-flat-list

A React Native component as a variant of FlatList, which takes a pull-stream as prop and automatically pulls from that when the scroll position gets closer to the end.


import PullFlatList from 'pull-flat-list';

// ... then in a render function ...
  getScrollStream={() => pull.values(['one', 'two', 'three'])}
  renderItem={({ item }) => <Text>{item.key}</Text>}


  • getScrollStream (required) Factory function which returns a pull stream to be used when scrolling the FlatList, to pull more items and append them to the list. Note! This prop is not the pull stream directly, it's a function that returns a pull stream.
  • getPrefixStream (optional) Factory function which returns a pull stream to be used to prepend items to the FlatList, regardless of scrolling.
  • pullAmount (optional, default is 30) How many items to pull from the pull stream when the scroll position reaches the end.
  • refreshable (optional, default is false) Boolean indicating whether or not this list can be refreshed with the pull-to-refresh gesture.
  • refreshColors (optional) The colors (at least one) that will be used to draw the refresh indicator.
  • onInitialPullDone (optional) Called once when the PullFlatList has completed its first burst of pulls of data. Emits the number of items in the data array.
  • onPullingComplete (optional) Called once when the PullFlatList has completed pulling all data from the source.
  • (other props) all other props from FlatList are supported, except data and extraData, because this module's purpose is to manage that for you


  • forceRefresh(retainable?: boolean) This method will force a refresh to occur, causing a pull of the scroll stream to start over. However, this method will not cause the callback onInitialPullDone to be triggered. The argument retainable signals (when false) whether you want the FlatList's rendering to be "cleaned" or (when true) if you want the FlatList to retain the rendering of the previous views until the first pull returns. By default, retainable = false.


FlatList React Native component capable of scrolling through pull-streams

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%