acganesh / compendium

Stanford course notes in math / CS

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This is a compendium of course notes from my time at Stanford. Still under construction.

These contain some typos, since I mostly took these notes live in lecture. All errors (typographical or conceptual) are my own.


  • Arch. Glorious distro.
  • adi.sty. I wrote a small LaTeX style file that includes common macros / typesetting configuration that I use often.
  • latexmk: A perl script that provides auto-compilation on save for LaTeX documents.
  • vim: The best editor. I use macros / registers to input repeated snippets of LaTeX code: e.g. \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} or \int_{0}^{\infty} f(t) e^{-st} dt.
  • vim-latex: Vim package with smart braces, "jump" functionality for environments, and 1-2 character macros for most symbols (e.g. <Leader>a outputs \alpha in the source file).
  • zathura: Lightweight document viewer with vim-like keybindings.
  • inkscape-figures: This is more recent, but I've found that this package makes it very easy to produce vector graphics using Inkscape (as opposed to pgf / TikZ).
  • exam-sheet: Using @jcreus's xelatex template to create dense review sheets for exams. Requires miniature phonebook fonts (bell.ttf, etc.) (More documentation forthcoming. For instance, see the review sheet for CS110).
  • tmux Terminal multiplexer, with panes split for vim, latexmk, zathura.
  • i3wm: Linux window manager, used for quick tiling / focus on tmux / zathura.
  • stats.hs: A short Haskell program to compute number of lines of TeX produced so far (I'd like to expand on this when I have time).

Course list

Here is a list of courses that are represented in this repo. Some of the earlier courses have less detailed notes (as early on college I hadn't perfected my workflow).

  • CS43: Functional Programming Paradigms. (Notes forthcoming, offered in Winter 2020 quarter). Lectures: Isaac Schienfeld and Adithya Ganesh.
  • EE376A / MATH DRP: Information Theory. Lectures: Tsachy Weissman. DRP discussions: Yuval Wigderson.
  • CS273B: Deep Learning for Genomics (todo: need to add). Lectures: Anshul Kundaje.
  • CS229: Machine Learning (todo: need to add). Lectures: Andrew Ng and John Duchi.
  • CS279: Computational Biology. Lectures: Ron Dror.
  • CS236: Deep Generative Models. Lectures: Aditya Grover and Stefano Ermon.
  • CS161: Algorithms.
  • CS107: Systems I. Lectures: Jerry Cain.
  • CS109: Probability. Lectures: Mehran Sahami.
  • CS110: Systems II. Lectures: Jerry Cain.
  • MATH53: Ordinary Differential Equations. Lectures: Andrea Ottolini.
  • MATH104: Applied Matrix Theory. Lectures: Katerina Velcheva.
  • MATH113: (Theoretical) Matrix Theory. Lectures: Michael Kemeny.
  • MATH116: Complex Analysis. Lectures: Thomas Church.
  • MATH120: Group Theory. Lectures: Thomas Church.
  • MATH171: Real Analysis. Lectures: George Schaeffer.
  • POLISCI 101Z: Introduction to International Relations. Lectures: Mike Tomz. Discussions: Iris Malone.
  • Independent Study: Statistical learning.


Stanford course notes in math / CS


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