aceacedey / Kolkata_Data_PMC_paper_TrafficCountEstimationUsingCrowdSourcedTrajectory

The repository includes detailed data descriptions and the codes utilised in this article titled Traffic count estimation using crowd-sourced trajectory data in the absence of dedicated infrastructure, published in Pervasive and Mobile Computing.

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This release contains the raw data that are used in the paper titled Traffic count estimation using crowd-sourced trajectory data in the absence of dedicated infrastructure.

The raw trajectory data interpreted camera data with signal timing information, traffic counts and queue lengths data were collected at a single-lane signalised road intersection at the Webel-More in Kolkata. Validation datasets are manually collected using a video camera installed at the observer's location. A ground-truth dataset of vehicle counts, departure headways, and signal timing is manually constructed using time-stamped video camera footage and visual inspection. A smartphone-equipped vehicle with the GPSlogger Android application is used to collect the set of vehicle trajectory data.


The repository includes detailed data descriptions and the codes utilised in this article titled Traffic count estimation using crowd-sourced trajectory data in the absence of dedicated infrastructure, published in Pervasive and Mobile Computing.