ace411 / bingo-functional

A simple functional programming library for PHP

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A simple functional programming library for PHP.


  • PHP 7 or higher


PHP, a language not commonly associated with Functional Programming, does support the paradigm - to an extent. The language's Functional Programming affability though substantial is not the same as that of Haskell, OCaml, or F# - purely Functional languages. bingo-functional is an attempt at enhancing the usability of FP techniques - those that warrant the use of helper functions, applicatives, monads, pattern matching, and immutable lists.


Please check out the documentation for more knowledge on how to use this library.

Also, a changelog exists and can be used to track changes made to the project.

Dealing with problems

Endeavor to create an issue on GitHub when the need arises or send an email to

Functional Programming in PHP

I published a book titled - Functional Programming in PHP - which is currently available on LeanPub. The bingo-functional library features extensively in the text as a tool whose potencies demonstrate usage of Functional Programming ideas in PHP. I advise that you purchase a copy for $9.99.

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