acastroy /

Internet speed reability tester

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

State: Beta
Version: 0.3.0
Usage: Script with UI for testing internet speed reability
Language: Bash & Python


Internet speeds are tested against random servers from at an timed interval (defined by user).
If slow speed (defined by user) is detected, then runs a number of download and upload test with optional route tests to servers and writes to a logfile.


Main UI with graph on.

Screenshot 1


  • Function for checking current bandwidth usage to block false positives. Can optionally collect bandwidth usage from a router running linux with a ssh server enabled.
  • Scrollable graph showing speeds over time.
  • All output in the UI is also scrollabe with UP, DOWN, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN, HOME, END keys working as you would expect.
  • Option to have the timer reset on any mouse or keyboard activity in XServer.
  • Option to have the timer auto pause when monitor is on and unpause when monitor is off.
  • Unit used can be switched between Mbits and MB/s.
  • Function for splitting log files at a defined size, old log files can also be automatically compressed.


Config files stored in "$HOME/.config/spdtest" folder

spdtest.cfg: (auto generated if not found)

net_device="auto"		#* Network interface to get current speed from, set to "auto" to get default interface from "ip route" command
unit="megabit"			#* Default speed value to use, valid values are "megabit" and "megabyte"
slowspeed="30"			#* Download speed in unit defined above that triggers more tests, recommended set to 10%-40% of your max speed
numservers="30"			#* How many of the closest servers to get from, used as random pool of servers to test against
slowretry="1"			#* When speed is below slowspeed, how many retries of random servers before running full tests
max_err_retry="3"		#* Max servers to test if an error is encountered in slowcheck
numslowservers="8"		#* How many of the closest servers from list to test if slow speed has been detected, tests all if not set
precheck="true"			#* Check current bandwidth usage before slowcheck, blocks if speed is higher then values set below
precheck_samplet="5"		#* Time in seconds to sample bandwidth usage, defaults to 5 if not set
precheck_down="50"		#* Download speed in unit defined above that blocks slowcheck
precheck_up="50"		#* Upload speed in unit defined above that blocks slowcheck
precheck_ssh_host="" #* If set, precheck will fetch data from /proc/net/dev over SSH, for example from a router running linux
				#* remote machine needs to have: "/proc/net/dev" and be able to run commands "ip route" and "grep"
				#* copy SSH keys to remote machine if you don't want to be asked for password at start, guide:
precheck_ssh_user="admin" 	#* Username for ssh connection
precheck_ssh_nd="auto" 		#* Network interface on remote machine to get speeds from, set to "auto" if unsure
waittime="00:20:00"		#* Default wait timer between slowchecks, format: "HH:MM:SS"
slowwait="00:10:00"		#* Time between tests when slow speed has been detected, uses wait timer if unset, format: "HH:MM:SS"
idle="false"			#* If "true", resets timer if keyboard or mouse activity is detected in XServer
# idletimer="00:30:00"		#* If set and idle="true", the script uses this timer until first test, then uses standard wait time,
				#* any X Server activity resets back to idletimer, format: "HH:MM:SS"
displaypause="false"		#* If "true" automatically pauses timer when display is on, unpauses when off, overrides idle="true" if set, needs xset to work
paused="false"			#* If "true", the timer is paused at startup, ignored if displaypause="true"
startuptest="false"		#* If "true" and paused="false", tests speed at startup before timer starts
main_menu_start="shown" 	#* The status of the main menu at start, possible values: "shown", "hidden"
graph_start="shown"		#* The status of the speed graph at start, possible values: "shown", "hidden"
loglevel="2"			#* 0 : No logging
				#* 1 : Log only when slow speed has been detected
				#* 2 : Also log slow speed check
				#* 3 : Also log server updates
				#* 4 : Log all including forced tests
logdir="$HOME/spdtest-logs" 	#* Logfile save directory
quiet_start="true"		#* If "true", don't print serverlist and routelist at startup
maxlogsize="1024"		#* Max logsize (in kilobytes) before log is split
logcompress="gzip"		#* Command for compressing logs, only log splits beyond the last split is compressed, disabled if not set
# custom_log=""			#* Custom logfile (full path), if a custom logfile is set log splitting is disabled
max_buffer="1000"		#* Max number of lines to buffer in internal scroll buffer
buffer_save="true"		#* Save buffer to disk on exit and restore on start
mtr="true"			#* Set "false" to disable route testing with mtr, automatically set to "false" if mtr is not found in PATH
mtr_internal="true"		#* Use hosts from full test with speeds below $slowspeed in mtr test
mtr_internal_ok="false"		#* Use hosts from full test with speeds above $slowspeed in mtr test
# mtr_internal_max=""		#* Set max hosts to add from full test
mtr_external="false"		#* Use hosts from route.cfg, see route.cfg.sample for formatting
mtrpings="25"			#* Number of pings sent with mtr
testonly="false" 		#* If "true", never enter UI mode, always run full tests and quit
testnum="1"			#* Number of times to loop full tests in testonly mode

ookla_speedtest="speedtest"	#* Command or full path to official speedtest client 

trace_errors="true"		#* In event of error print line number of offending command to $HOME/.config/spdtest/errors

route.cfg.sample: (rename to route.cfg to use additional hosts in route test)

#? List of routes to test with mtr
#? Format:
#? routelista+=("host")
#? routelistdesc["host"]=("Name")
#? routelistport["host"]=("port")  'Set port to "auto" if you don't want to set a custom port!'





Command line options: (to be updated)


        -t, --test [num]            Runs full test 1 or <x> number of times and quits
        -u, --unit megabit/megabyte Which unit to show speed in, [default: megabit]
        -s, --slow-speed speed      Defines what speed in defined unit that will trigger more tests
        -n, --num-servers num       How many of the closest servers to get from
        -i, --interface name        Network interface being used [default: auto]
        -l, --loglevel 0-3          0 No logging
                                    1 Log only when slow speed has been detected
                                    2 Also log slow speed check and server update
                                    3 Log all including forced tests
        -lf, --log-file file        Full path to custom logfile, no log rotation is done on custom logfiles
        -p, --paused                Sets timer to paused state at startup
        -wt, --wait-time HH:MM:SS   Time between tests when NO slowdown is detected [default: 00:10:00]
        -st, --slow-time HH:MM:SS   Time between tests when slowdown has been detected, uses wait timer if unset
        -x, --x-reset [HH:MM:SS]    Reset timer if keyboard or mouse activity is detected in X Server
                                    If HH:MM:SS is included, the script uses this timer until first test, then uses
                                    standard wait time, any activity resets to idle timer [default: unset]
        -d, --display-pause         Automatically pauses timer when display is on, unpauses when off
        -gs, --gen-server-cfg num   Writes <x> number of the closest servers to "server.cfg" and quits
                                    Servers aren't updated automatically at start if "server.cfg" exists
        -sc, --server-config file   Reads server config from <file> [default: server.cfg]
                                    If used in combination with -gs a new file is created
        -h, --help                  Shows help information
                                    Note: All config files are stored in: $HOME/.config/spdtest
        spdtest.cfg                 Automatically created with default values if removed
        [server.cfg]                Stores server id's to use with speedtest, delete to refresh servers on start
        [route.cfg]                 Additional hosts to test with mtr, see route.cfg.sample for formatting
                                    Logfile location can be changed in config file
                                    Currently: $HOME/spdtest-logs


bash (v4.4 or later) Script functionality might brake with earlier versions.

Python 3 (v3.7 or later) Needed for speedtest-cli, grc and getIdle.

speedtest Official speedtest client from Ookla, needs to be in path or defined in config. Note: You will need to run speedtest manually in a terminal to accept license before first use.

jq Needed for json parsing.


speedtest-cli Used to get serverlist, since official speedtest client from Ookla is limited to 10 servers.
Modified and heavily stripped down, based on version 2.1.2. Python code included in the script.

grc For making text output in the UI pretty.
Modified version of grcat. Python code included in the script.

getIdle Get XServer idle time. Python code included in script.


mtr Needed if you want to check routes to slow servers.

less Needed if you want option to view logfile from UI.


  • TODO Fix argument parsing and error messages
  • TODO Change slowtest to multiple servers and compare results
  • TODO fix wrong keypress in inputwait, esc codes etc
  • TODO fix up
  • TODO extern config and save to config?
  • TODO ssh controlmaster, server, client for precheck_speed
  • TODO buffer logview
  • TODO route test menu, choose host to test
  • TODO windows: help, options, route
  • TODO plot speedgraphs overtime in UI
  • TODO stat file
  • Everything else...


Apache License 2.0


Internet speed reability tester

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 91.4%Language:Python 8.6%