acarabott / faust-by-example

My notes from when first learning Faust

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Faust by Example

My notes from when first learning Faust – aiming to be supplementary to the documentation by showing some of the basics, by example.

Generating sounds

mono white noise, volume at 0.1


process = noise * 0.1;

mono white noise, slider for volume


process = noise * vslider("volume", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01);

assigning noise to a variable


myNoise = noise * vslider("volume", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01);

process = myNoise;

stereo white noise


myNoise = noise * vslider("volume", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01);

process = myNoise, myNoise;

stereo white noise, seperate sliders


leftNoise = noise * vslider("left volume", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01);
rightNoise = noise * vslider("right volume", 0.1, 0, 1, 0.01);

process = leftNoise, rightNoise;

Audio input

input = _;
process = input;

Delay, using the @ operator, delays by number of samples

input = _;
delayed = input @ hslider("delay", 0, 0, 44100, 1);
process = input + delayed;

Maths operators

+ - * / do what you would expect % is modulo ^ is power

Comparison operations

Usual friends < <= == > >= != result is 1 for true, 0 for false.

Noise gate:


signal = _;
threshold = 0.1;
attack = 0.01;
release = 0.25;

gate = signal > threshold : si.lag_ud(attack, release);

process = signal * gate;

bitwise operators are

| & xor << >>

Syntactic sugar

These are all syntactic sugar for function calls, so you can do

+(1, 2);
^(3, 2);
&(1, 0);
<(2, 5);

Unary operators

Warning! Limited use of these, they can only be used with numbers and variables

These are ok

x = 20;

These are not

-(1.0 / 2.0);
+(5.0 + 10.0)

Because these are partially complete functions (partial applications), lambdas that have not been called yet.

import ("music.lib");

x = -0.01;  // number
y = +(x);   // partial application, a function that is not fully called
z = y(0);   // call the function, get the value

process = noise * z;


convenience syntax

quiet(signal) = signal * 0.1;

full syntax

quiet = \(signal).(signal * 0.1);

operators are functions

// a and b are equivalent
a = 1 * 0.5;
b = *(1, 0.5);

The five types of composition


, puts two blocks in parallel, so two mono signals in parallel become a stereo signal


: is for sequences, so guitar : distortion means that the output of the guitar signal is the input of the distortion signal.


<: will split the input signal, so guitar <: stereoReverb will split the mono guitar signal into two channels to match the two inputs of stereoReverb. The number of inputs of the second signal must be a multiple of the outputs of the first signal, so you can plug a mono (1) guitar into a stereo (2) reverb, but not a stereo (2) reverb into a surround sound (5) mixer.

These will wrap, so if you have a 2 channel reverb going into a 4 channel mixer then the mixer's inputs will look like:

mixerIn1 = reverbOut1
mixerIn2 = reverbOut2
mixerIn3 = reverbOut1
mixerIn4 = reverbOut2

Selecting a channel

If you need to just get a single channel from a multi channel signal use selector if the channel is known in advance and won't change (compile time) or selectn if you want to change the channel while playing (run-time).


monoNoise = noise * 0.1;
stereoNoise = monoNoise, monoNoise;
rightChannel = stereoNoise : selector(0, outputs(stereoNoise));

process = rightChannel;

Alternatively you can use the blocking operator

left = _ , _ : _ , !;

This can be useful if you want to split a multichannel signal into separate variables

left  = _ , _ : _ , !;
right = _ , _ : ! , _;


:> is the buddy of split, so stereoReverb :> monoAmplifier will turn the two channels of the stereoReverb into a mono signal to match the monoAmplifier input. Like split, the number of channels must match or be a multiple, so while a stereo (2) channel reverb can go into a mono (1) channel amplifier, a surround sound (5) mixer cannot go into a stereo (2) reverb. The channels also wrap in the same way as Split.


~ allows blocks to connect to each other in a loop, in the way that a delay effect has a feedback control, so the wet delay effect can be itself delayed, creating a tail of delays.

Imagine you have a stereo mixer that has two inputs and one output, you could connect your guitar to channel 1, and then the output to your amplifier. Now if you put a little digital splitter box with a volume control between the mixer and the amplifier, you could send an exact copy of the mixer's output back into channel 2 of the mixer. To do the splitting, the box needs a bit of time, which is exactly 1 sample (1 / 44100 at CD quality). So now what you get out of the mixer, is the original guitar signal and the delayed guitar signal. As anyone who has messed around with delay effects knows, this would quickly lead to very loud feedback, hence the volume control that allows us to reduce the volume of the delayed guitar signal before adding it to the mixer.

In code this would look like this

feedbackVolume = 0.1;
+(guitar) ~ *(feedbackVolume);

Our mixer in this case is the + operator, which adds our two signals together.

Inputs and outputs

We can get the number of inputs and outputs of an expression, so outputs(monoSignal) would return 1, outputs(stereoSignal) would return 2, and inputs(+) would return 2.


sum will give the sum of the expressions

sum(i, 3, i / 100.0);

Will be 0.1 + 0.01 + 0.02 = 0.03

prod gives the product

prod(i, 3, (i + 1) / 10.0);

Is 0.1 * 0.2 * 0.3 = 0.006

par can be used to create multiple parallel signals

import ("music.lib");

myNoise = noise * 0.01;
stereo = myNoise, myNoise;
stereo2 = par(i, 2, myNoise);

process = stereo2;

seq creates a sequence of expressions, which must take input

mySeq = seq(i, 3, /(2));


This defines mySeq, then calls it giving 0.5 as input, the result is

(((0.5 / 2) / 2) / 2) = 0.0625


0.5 / 2 = 0.25 0.25 / 2 = 0.125 0.125 / 2 = 0.0625


Environments are similar to environments in SuperCollider, or objects in JavaScript. They are created with a literal syntax, and accessed with dot notation.

import ("music.lib");

myEnv = environment {
  sig = noise;
  mul = 0.1;

process = myEnv.sig * myEnv.mul;

Loading from a file

Environments are loaded from a file like so

myEnv = library("myLibrary.lib");
process = myEnv.sig * myEnv.mul;

Writing to a file

compile using

faust2sndfile patch.dsp

Which will generate a new executable, called patch

If your faust patch generates audio, and doesn't process input you will need to generate a silent audio for the duration you want. (Using a DAW, OcenAudio, Audacity etc) Then run

patch input.wav output.wav



My notes from when first learning Faust

License:MIT License