A fun, dumb, and ultimately useless website inspired by this tour de force on corporate garabe speak.
This site started as a more robust proof of concept for creating dynamic Hugo sites with htmx and Go.
Write up detailing the concept https://adriano.fyi/posts/2023/2023-07-04-making-hugo-static-sites-dynamic-with-htmx-and-go/
The template from which this site is built https://github.com/acaloiaro/hugo-htmx-go-template/
This README is very much still a WIP.
To get started, fetch dependencies and build the dev tools.
go build -o bin/develop internal/cmd/develop/main.go
go build -o bin/build internal/cmd/build/main.go
mkdir public && touch public/.empty
Running in dev
Build fat binary
Migrations require go-migrate
to be run locally:
go install github.com/golang-migrate/migrate@v4
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations -seq name_of_migration
Migrate up
migrate -database ${POSTGRESQL_URL} -path migrations up
Migrate down
migrate -database ${POSTGRESQL_URL} -path migrations down