This plugin has been created using Eclipse 4.5 (Mars). Before installing the plugin, the following dependencies are needed: - Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) - BPMN2 Modeler Both are available in the official repository. If you are using a standard installation of Eclipse/Java, you can install the dependencies by doing the following: 1. Go to Help menu -> Install new software 2. Select the repository "Mars" (or according to your version of Eclipse) 3. In the "General Purpose Tools" category, select "Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment" 4. In the "SOA Development" category, select "BPMN2 Modeled - Diagram Editor" 5. Finish the installation The BPMN2 data protection extension is under development and not released as a finalized plugin, so it must be run from its sources. To do so, you should open the plugin.xml file and run it (Run -> Run As -> Eclipse Application). This will open a new instance of Eclipse which supports the extended model. You can now create a new project to use the extended BPMN2 notation. IMPORTANT!!! The following step is mandatory, otherwise it won't be possible to use the extended notation. Before creating a diagram, the project properties must be modified. After creating a new project, right-click on the project name, and select the "BPMN2" category. This will display some options on the right side of the window; among these is a "Target Runtime" selection box. Natively, this is set to "None", meaning that the BPMN2 modeled uses the standard BPMN2 runtime. This is because the native BPMN2 model has not been modified, but an additional runtime has been created which supports the extended notation. To enable the extended model, the runtime MUST be set at "Data protection annotations". At this point, when creating a BPMN2 diagram, the palette will contain a new category called "Data Protection", which contains the new element supporting the data protection annotations. The OWL file with the ontology is in the "resources" folder.