Cookbook which configures the host.allow file.
The following platforms are tested using Test Kitchen:
- Ubuntu 12.04/14.04/16.04
- CentOS (RHEL) 5/6/7
The default recipe gives you the ability to pass attributes to tune your hosts.allow settings. There are currently no defaults in this cookbook so your regular distrobution provided hosts.allow file will remain intact. You can tweak the settings in the Policefile.rb or directly using attributes.
node.default['host_allow']['hosts] = { 'ssh' => 'ALL', 'ntpd' => 'ALL'}
name 'host_allow'
default_source :community
cookbook 'host_allow', git: ''
run_list 'host_allow::default'
override['host_allow']['hosts] = { 'ssh' => 'ALL', 'ntpd' => 'ALL'}