aburgasser / SpexBinaryFit

IDL Program to fit SpeX spectra to low resolution templates

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This IDL code has been developed to fit near-infrared spectra to single and binary templates to determine whether they are binaries. The code is based on the method of Burgasser et al. (2010, ApJ, 710, 1142: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...710.1142B), with some updates to include additional absolute magnitude relations and some improvements to the performance.

Installation and Dependencies

This code is best forked from this github site, and placed into a folder in your IDL path. In the file spexbinaryfit.pro, set the following keywords:

  • pfold = '/Users/adam/idl/spexbinaryfit/' ; folder that you downloaded spexbinaryfit into
  • dfold = '/Users/adam/spectra/spex/prism/' ; default folder containing the data you are fitting (optional)

Please send bug reports to aburgasser@ucsd.edu or noting them on the github page ("Issues")

Using SpeXBinaryFit

The following can be called up by the command:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, /help

Basic usage:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename'

Here, 'filename' is either the full pathname to the spex prism data file or the filename assuming the file resides in the preset datafolder (see spexbinaryfit.pro to set this folder)

Preset spectral type/absolute magnitude relations:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename' ; default is faint MKO K-band magnitude relation from Burgasser 2007

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /BUR07, /BRIGHT ; bright MKO K-band magnitude relation from Burgasser 2007

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /LIU06, /FAINT ; faint MKO K-band relation from Liu et al. 2008 (set /JMAG for J, /KMAG for K)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /LIU06, /BRIGHT ; bright MKO K-band relation from Liu et al. 2008 (set /JMAG for J, /KMAG for Ks)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /LOO08 ; 2MASS Ks-band magnitude relation from Looper et al. 2008 (set /JMAG for J, /KMAG for K)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /FAH12 ; MKO J-band magnitude relation from Faherty et al. 2012 (set /JMAG for J, /HMAG for H, /KMAG for K)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /DUP12 ; MKO J-band magnitude relation from Dupuy & Liu 2012 (set /JMAG for J, /HMAG for H, /KMAG for K)

Fitting options:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename' ; default method = no weights, full spectrum

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /WEIGHT ; pixels weighted by pixel breadth and computes G_k (see Cushing et al. 2008)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', FITREGIONS = [[0.95,1.35],[1.45,1.8],[2.0,2.35]] ; set the fitting regions; default is listed here

To set the relative magnitudes for scaling templates

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', DELTAMAG=[0.2,0.4], E_DELTAMAG = [0.04,0.04], DELTAFILTER = [43,44], SIGMA=3


  • DELTAMAG = relative magnitudes of components
  • DELTAMAG_E = uncertainties in relative magnitudes
  • DELTAFILTER = filter numbers as defined in routine filtflux.pro
  • SIGMA = number of standard deviations that spectral pairs are permitted (= 3 if unspecified

To set what kind of spectral types are used for templates:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename' ; default: optlcal <L9, NIR otherwise

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NIRSPT ; NIR spectral types only (reject templates without)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /OPTSPT ; optical spectral types only (reject templates without)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SPEXSPT ; NIR spectral types from SpeX data based on methodology of Burgasser (2007)

To reject unwanted template source(s) (including the target source) from fit:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', REJECT='0123-4545'


IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', REJECT=['0123-4545', 'ROSS 458C']

or to exclude input source

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', NAME='0123-4545'

To reject certain classes of templates:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /ONLYYOUNG ; only young dwarfs

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NOYOUNG ; no young dwarfs

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /ONLYSUBDWARFS ; only subdwarfs

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NOSUBDWAFS ; no subdwarfs

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /ONLYRED ; only unusually red dwarfs

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NORED ; no unusually red dwarfs

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /ONLYBLUE ; only unusually blue dwarfs

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NOBLUE ; no unusually blue dwarfs

To set range of primary or secondary spectral types, assuming M0 = 10, L0 = 20, T0 = 30, etc., use:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', PSPTRANGE = [15,20], SSPTRANGE=[30,39]

To do a single fit only:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SINGLE

Optional outputs:

To output a data structure for best fits (single fit only at this point)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SINGLE, OUTPUTSTR=structure

To output spectra of best fits, with format [[wave],[flux]]

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', BESTSINGLE=best, BESTBINARY=best

If you are using a non-spex prism file for fitting:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SMOOTH

Reporting options:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', FOLDER='path' ; folder in which to store program outputs (default is 'fits' folder in spexbinaryfit program folder)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', PREFIX='string' ; prefix for all program outputs (e.g., source name)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SHORT ; report only shortened template names (Jhhmm+ddmm)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', NBEST=10 ; number of best-fit templates to report

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /FULL ; report all relative magnitudes (default is 2MASS & MKO)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /MKO ; report some MKO relative magnitudes

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NIRC2 ; report some NIRC2 relative magnitudes

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NICMOS ; report some NICMOS relative magnitudes

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /WFC3 ; report some WFC3 relative magnitudes

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /INSET ; plot zoom in box of H-band region (for spectral binaries)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /RIGHT ; place plot labels on right side of plot (by default they are on the right)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', NOTE='string' ; note to place on plot (e.g., source name)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /EXTRAS ; plot separately source spectrum, best fit primary, best fit secondary (good for talks)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NOPLOT ; don't plot anything

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', PCOLORS=[0,2,3,4] ; set the plot colors (tek_color palette, default indicated)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', LCOLORS=[0,2,3,0] ; set the label colors (tek_color palette, default indicated)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', XRANGE=[0.9,2.4] ; set the horizontal range of plots (default indicated)

IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', YRANGE=[-0.02,1.45] ; set the vertical range of plots (default indicated)

To reinitialize the template sample:

IDL> spexbinaryfit, /REGENERATE ; initializes the single templates

IDL> spexbinaryfit, /RESET ; regenerates set of binary templates for a given absolute magnitude scale

IDL> spexbinaryfit, /MAKE ; generates full suite of absolute magnitude scaled binaries based on all abs magnitude scales available

Authors & Attribution

SpeXBinaryFit was originally written by Adam Burgasser based on Burgasser et al. (2010, ApJ, 710, 1142: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...710.1142B) with additional modifications by Daniella Bardalez Gagliuffi.

If you use this code, please cite the original reference: Burgasser et al. (2010, ApJ, 710, 1142) at http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...710.1142B



IDL Program to fit SpeX spectra to low resolution templates


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