abura1han / Saturnium

Saturnium 8k 3d screen saver for (mobile, laptop, desktop).

Home Page:https://saturnium.netlify.app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Screen saver for your device (mobile, notepad, laptop, desktop). Support 8k resulation with 3d graphics.


https://saturnium.netlify.app Saturnium screenshot

Something about Saturnium

The idea of saturnium came from windows screen saver. In windows, if we do not work on our pc, windows show a screen saver in it's enabled. It increases your desk's beauty.

So I was thinking about a project to do and that will be 3d. Then I found the idea of Saturnium. Then I completed it and It really makes sense. Because, when I open it and fullscreen it. It make my mind cool and I think wow it was a cool idea.

Technologies used

React, React three fiber, React drei


Hosted on netlify.com


Saturnium 8k 3d screen saver for (mobile, laptop, desktop).



Language:TypeScript 79.9%Language:CSS 12.3%Language:HTML 7.8%