abuelgasimsaadeldin / apache-kafka-tutorial

This repository is for the Apache Kafka sharing session

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Apache Kafka tutorial

Apache Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system developed by LinkedIn and written in Scala and Java.

Windows Installation Guide:

  1. Install Java SDK (required Java 8+).
  2. Download and Install Apache Kafka Binaries from the following link.
  3. Extract the folder and move it to local disk C Drive.
  4. Create 'zookeeper' and 'kafka-logs' folders for storing zookeeper data and kafka logs.
  5. Modify dataDir=/tmp/zookeeper in config.properties to dataDir=C:/kafka/zookeeper.
  6. Modify log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs in config/server.properties to log.dirs=C:/kafka/kafka-logs.

Producing and Consuming Messages Using Kafka

Start Zookeeper Server:

.\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\zookeeper-properties

Start Kafka Server:

.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties

Create Topic in Kafka Broker:

.\bin\windows\kafka-topics.bat --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic cities

Create Kafka Producer:

.\bin\windows\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic cities

Create Kafka Consumer:

.\bin\windows\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic cities --from-beginning

Kafka with Python

In order to use Kafka with Python you need to first install kafka-python, to do so use following command:

pip install kafka-python

Note: Before sending any messages to Kafka servers, make sure to first start your Kafka cluster!

Send String Data to Kafka Server:

To send a string data to the Kafka Server using Python run the following script:

python producer.py

Send SensorIOT Data to Kafka Server:

To send a continuous dummy real-time IOT sensors data to the Kafka server run the following script:

python producer-sensor.py

Send CSV Data to Kafka Server:

To send CSV data to the kafka server line by line run the following script:

python producer-csv.py

Send MySQL Database to Kafka Server:

To send a MySQL Database to the Kafka Server run the following script:

python producer-mysql.py

Consume Messages from Kafka Server:

To consume messages from a Kafka server in python for a specific topic run the following script:

python consumer.py


This repository is for the Apache Kafka sharing session


Language:Python 90.8%Language:Java 9.2%