absucc / rw.rs

Free shell account and web 1.0 hosting @ http://rw.rs/~you

Home Page:http://rw.rs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An experimental software community with a 199X aesthetic.

To join, submit a pull request with your public key at users/<you>/authorized_keys.


$ # Fork rw.rs repo on GitHub
$ git clone https://github.com/<you>/rw.rs.git
$ cd rw.rs
$ # Generate key pair
$ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_rwrs
$ # Add pub key to repo
$ mkdir users/<you>     # Note: <you> should be <= 10 chars
$ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa_rwrs.pub users/<you>/authorized_keys
$ git add users/<you>/authorized_keys
$ git commit -m 'add user <you>'
$ git push
$ # Visit https://github.com/<you>/rw.rs.git
$ # Create pull request and wait until merged
$ # ...
$ # After ~10 minutes, account is auto-created
$ # Login!
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_rwrs <you>@rw.rs
$ # Set your motd
$ echo hello users >~/motd
$ # Make your web page at http://rw.rs/~<you>
$ mkdir ~/public_html
$ echo hello internet >~/public_html/index.html
$ # Idle in local ircd
$ # Submit PRs to `README.md`, `bin/`, `etc/`, `htdocs/`, etc
$ # Have fun

CGI-like setup

In quasi-nostalgic fashion, rw.rs also supports CGI-like web apps if you want to go beyond static HTML. Below is an example of a CGI-like PHP app, but you can use whatever language you wish.

adsr@rwrs:~$ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/proxy.service
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'socat UNIX-LISTEN:$HOME/public_html/proxy.sock,fork,perm-early=0666 "SYSTEM:timeout 2 $HOME/proxy"'

adsr@rwrs:~$ ls -l ~/proxy
-rwxr-xr-x 1 adsr adsr 229 Dec 23 22:51 /home/adsr/proxy
adsr@rwrs:~$ cat proxy
#!/usr/bin/env php

require '/usr/share/lib/php/http.php';

http_handle(function($request, $set_code_fn, $set_header_fn) {
    $set_header_fn('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
adsr@rwrs:~$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
adsr@rwrs:~$ systemctl --user start proxy
adsr@rwrs:~$ systemctl --user status proxy
● proxy.service
   Loaded: loaded (/home/adsr/.config/systemd/user/proxy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-12-23 22:56:46 UTC; 2s ago
 Main PID: 29686 (socat)
   CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/proxy.service
           └─29686 socat UNIX-LISTEN:/home/adsr/public_html/proxy.sock,fork,perm-early=0666 SYSTEM:timeout 2 /home/adsr/proxy
adsr@rwrs:~$ curl -s 'localhost/~adsr/proxy/test'
    [headers] => Array
            [host] => adsr
            [user-agent] => curl/7.68.0
            [accept] => */*
            [x-forwarded-for] => ::1
            [x-forwarded-host] => localhost
            [x-forwarded-server] => default
            [connection] => Keep-Alive

    [content] =>
    [verb] => GET
    [uri] => /~adsr/proxy/test
    [protocol] => HTTP/1.1
    [uri_parts] => Array
            [path] => /~adsr/proxy/test

    [params] => Array

adsr@rwrs:~$ curl -s -X POST -d 'param=1' 'localhost/~adsr/proxy/test'
    [headers] => Array
            [host] => adsr
            [user-agent] => curl/7.68.0
            [accept] => */*
            [content-type] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
            [x-forwarded-for] => ::1
            [x-forwarded-host] => localhost
            [x-forwarded-server] => default
            [content-length] => 7
            [connection] => Keep-Alive

    [content] => param=1
    [verb] => POST
    [uri] => /~adsr/proxy/test
    [protocol] => HTTP/1.1
    [uri_parts] => Array
            [path] => /~adsr/proxy/test

    [params] => Array
            [param] => 1



Free shell account and web 1.0 hosting @ http://rw.rs/~you



Language:Shell 57.2%Language:PHP 42.0%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:Smarty 0.1%