abrampers / PRO-BOOK

A Vanilla Bookstore App written in PHP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pro-Book · GitLab license

A book is both a usually portable physical object and the body of immaterial representations or intellectual object whose material signs—written or drawn lines or other two-dimensional media—the physical object contains or houses. Pro-Book is an online book store that allows user to buy books and give reviews to their purchased books.

Table Of Contents


This is an implementation of a web-based online book store using PHP. It is open-source and everyone can contribute to probook by creating pull request.

Creating an online book store has never been so easy

Online Book Store Template - This web-based online book store template is your one-stop solution to start your own online book store.

What's the point of Pro-Book?

Pro-Book wants to contribute to community by creating this open-source project about a web-based online book store. Young entrepreneurs can start their own online book store business by cloning this repository and deploy it on their own servers.

Why should I care?

Because Pro-Book is for people 🎉. You have contributed to the community by cloning or creating a pull request on this Pro-Book project.


In order to run this web on your local server, you need to run it on PHP 7.1 and install:

  1. PHP 7.1
apt-get install php7.1
  1. PDO Extension
apt-get install php7.1-pdo-mysql
  1. mysql
apt-get install mysql
apt-get install mysql-server
  1. Create .ethes file
cp ethes.sample .ethes
#edit .ethes file with your own setting

Run Pro-Book

Run this command on your terminal

php -S localhost:5000

You can try to open Pro-Book on your browser with URL localhost:5000


  • Browse : You can search any books that you want and view its detailed information that contains title, author, synopsis, cover, ratings, and list of reviews.
  • Order : When you are on the book's detail page, you can order the book by choosing the amount of copies you want and click on the Order button.
  • History : You can see your history of orders.
  • Review : On your history page, you can click the review button in order to give a review about your purchased books. You can also give a rating and comment about the book.
  • View Profile : You can view your profile details on the profile page.
  • Edit Profile : On the profile page, you can click the edit button and change some personal information about you. You are allowed to change your profile picture, name, address, and phone number.

Implemented Libraries

We build this project from scratch. We create our own library to support this project. They are scalable and easy to use. List of our own library:

Here is the documentation about our own library. We will tell you about it's functionality and how to use it.


Router is a library to simplify php routing. When user input a path to your server, Rather than following the projects directory hierarchy, Router will check their input path and redirect it using its controller policy. Snippet of code example:

//When user request a GET http method into /login, router will return a LoginGetController if the request pass the TokenValidationMiddleware and LoginRegisterMiddleware
$router->get('/login', function($request) {
  return LoginGetController::control($request);
}, [new TokenValidationMiddleware, new LoginRegisterMiddleware]);


Request is a library that contains RequestInterface and a Request class that implements a RequestInterface that works as a class which save all request parameters ($_SERVER , GET, POST).


This is the library for Pro-Book database. It is a PDO-MySQL Connection class that contains some functions to help us doing CRUD operations on our database.

Member Variables

private $host
#MySQL host
private $dbName
#MySQL Database Name
private $dbUser
#MySQL Username
private $dbPassword
#MySQL Password
private $pdo
#PDO Object

Member Function

public function __construct()
#Class Constructor. It will assign member variables with defined variables on .ethes file (environment file) and create pdo connection.
private function Connect()
#Create PDO Connection with member variables as parameters.
public function getUserId($token)
#Get current userId by their token cookies.
public function getUser($token)
#Get current user data from Users table by their token cookies.
public function getUsername($token)
#Get current username by their token cookies.
public function checkLogin($username, $password)
#Check whether user has the correct combination of username and password or not when they try to login into Pro-Book.
public function searchBook($title)
#Get all books where $title is a substring on their title.
public function addToken($user_id, $token)
#Add user token to Pro-Book Database, so user doesn't need to login as long as the cookie expired time.
public function checkToken($token)
#Validate user token whether the token has already expired or not.
public function validateUsername($username)
#Check if the username isn't on the database yet.
public function validateEmail($email)
#Check if the email isn't on the database yet.
public function orderBook($book_id, $user_id, $amount, $order_timestamp)
#Insert order detail into Orders Database when user purchases a book.
public function addProfile($name, $username, $email, $password, $address, $phonenumber)
#Register a new account into Users Database.
public function editProfile($name, $address, $phonenumber, $user_id)
#Save edited user's data into database.
public function getHistory($user_id)
#Get list of orders history users.
public function getBookIdByOrderId($order_id)
#Get BookId by OrderId.
public function getBookDetail($book_id)
#Get book detail by bookId,
public function addReview($user_id, $username, $book_id, $rating, $comment, $order_id)
#Insert user's review into database.
public function getReviews($book_id)
#Get list of reviews by bookId,


This library tries to solve much of the same problems as what jQuery is trying to solve--hence the name resemblance--by simplifying DOM element selection and AJAX request handling. We implemented jQowi as a simple wrapper for Document.querySelector() and XMLHttpRequest by providing simple and clear APIs.

DOM Element Selection

// Select all elements with 'button' class
// Note that selecting by class result an array of elements
$$('.button').forEach((element) => {
  element.onmouseenter = () => {
    console.log('Hello, world!');

// Select the element with 'submitButton' id
// Note that selecting by id results in just one element
$$('#submitButton').onmouseenter = () => {
  console.log('Hello, world!');

Note: jQowi uses the same query syntax as Document.querySelector()


// Sending an AJAX GET request
xhttp = $$.ajax({
  method: 'GET',
  url: 'http://just.an/example',
  callback: (response) => {
    response = JSON.parse(response);

// Sending an AJAX POST request
  method: 'POST',
  url: 'http://just.an/example',
  data: JSON.stringify(data),
  callback: (response) => {
    response = JSON.parse(response);

Note: Every instance of an AJAX request returns an XMLHttpRequest object for that request

Template Engine

This library provides a simple and clear interface to serve a templated HTML page using PHP.


You can get a pretty clear picture of the templating format by reading one of our implementation here. In short, you just need to create a .php file implement a render_template function that takes whatever parameters you want for your template and returns an HTML string.

function render_template(string $username) {
  return <<<HTML
    <h1>Hello {$username}</h1>


$template = new Template('path/to/template.php');
$username = 'mrjoko';
echo $template->render($username);


dotEthes is a class that could read .ethes file that contains our environment variables and load it into $_ENV superglobal variable. dotEthes library has two main class:


DotEthes is one of the main class in dotEthes library that focuses on getting the .ethes filepath and then use Loader class to load all the environment variables into $_ENV.

Member Variables
protected $filePath;
#path to .ethes file
protected $loader;
#loader class which can parse .ethes file
Member Functions
public function __construct($path, $file = '.ethes')
#Set $filePath and create new Loader class for $loader variable
public function load()
#Load .ethes variable into $_ENV
public function getFilePath($path, $file)
#Convert to a valid File Path by using rtrim
protected function loadData()
#call $loader load() to parse .ethes file and load it into $_ENV


Loader is one of the main class in dotEthes library that focuses on parsing the .ethes file and load it into $_ENV.

Member Variables
protected $filePath
#path to .ethes file
public $variableNames = array()
#container for all environment variables in .ethes file
Member Functions
public function __construct($filePath)
#Set $filePath variable
public function load()
#Read from .ethes file per lines and set it as environment variables
protected function readLinesFromFile($filePath)
#Return an array of line on .ethes file
protected function isComment($line)
#Check whether line is a comment or an environment variable
protected function isSetter($line)
#Check whether a line is a setter for environment variable
public function setEnvironmentVariable($line)
#Set environment variable from .ethes into $_ENV
public function clearAllEnvironmentVariables()
#Clear all .ethes environment variables from $_ENV
public function getEnvironmentVariable($name)
#Check whether a variable is already exist or not


JKWToken is a class to generate a 16-bytes random string that will be used as the user's token cookie.

Member Function

public function generateJKWToken() {
    return bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes((int)$_ENV['JKWTOKEN_BYTES_LENGTH']));
#Generate random string using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes.


  1. Nicholas Rianto Putra - 13516020 - https://github.com/nicholaz99
  2. Abram Perdanaputra - 13516083 - https://github.com/abrampers
  3. Faza Fahleraz - 13516095 - https://github.com/ffahleraz

Words from Authors

Thanks to our lovely lecturer Mr. Dr.Techn. Muhammad Zuhri Catur Candra ST,MT for his amazing project about Tugas 1 IF3110 Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Web.

"You already know how hard it is to build a software right? Do you still want to use pirated softwares?" - Dr.Techn. Muhammad Zuhri Catur Candra ST,MT



A Vanilla Bookstore App written in PHP

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 55.1%Language:CSS 31.3%Language:JavaScript 13.6%